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This was sent to our Ministry via email. I do not know the author so if it is your article....please let us know and we will either credit you or take it down whichever you request. Thank you...FWM MORMON FALSEHOODS EXPLAINED CATHERINA - I was just wondering who is the creator of our god Heavenly Father? JOEL - There really is no official church doctrine that has
been revealed to us by God about this. Church leaders have speculated
that our Heavenly Father was created in the same way that Jesus and the
rest of us were created. That He had a Heavenly Father (who also had a
Heavenly Father, etc.) who created His spirit, and that He received a
body and once lived on a planet like we do now, and died and was
resurrected like Jesus was, and then became the God of this universe. "God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted Man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens." (Journal of Discourses Vol. 6, p. 3) These cycles of creation may have been going on in the eternal past and may continue on into the eternal future, which means that anyone of us could become the God of another universe at another time. KENDRA - I had heard or read that the Mormons believe women will be eternally pregnant and give birth to spirits in the afterlife. Is this true? JOEL - When you put it like that I think my wife would rather
go to Hell :-) "In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees; and in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the priesthood [meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage]; And if he does not, he cannot obtain it. He may enter into the other, but that is the end of his kingdom; he cannot have an increase" (D&C 131:1-4). One aspect of this "increase" includes the ability to create spirit
children after a husband and wife have successfully entered into the
Celestial kingdom in the next life. These spirit children will
eventually obtain bodies of flesh and bone and live on an earth as we do
now. "Except a man and his wife enter into an everlasting covenant and be married for eternity, while in this probation, by the power and authority of the Holy Priesthood, they will cease to increase when they die; that is, they will not have any children after the resurrection. But those who are married by the power and authority of the priesthood in this life, and continue without committing the sin against the Holy Ghost, will continue to increase and have children in the celestial glory" (TPJS, pp. 300-301). This is pretty much all
we know about it. The exact method of how spirit children are created
has not been revealed to us. To describe it with a mortal term such as
"eternally pregnant", places an inaccurate and unnecessary negative
connotation on a process that we know nothing about. All we know for sure is
what the scriptures tell us: JEREMY - What if you are confused about any religion and don't choose any religion, if you die is it still possible to go to the celestial kingdom of god. JOEL - The short
answer to your question is, yes and no. Now here comes the long
answer. DAVID - Were Jesus and Satan brothers? JOEL - Many critics of the LDS Church love to use this one for great shock value as they try to prove how non-Christian the LDS Church is to their fellow non-LDS Christians: John: "Did you know those Mormons believe that Jesus is the
brother of Satan?!?" In order to understand where this idea came from in the first place,
you need to first understand the LDS concept known as the pre-existence.
The spirits of everyone who have lived, are living, or who will live on
this earth originate from a sphere of existence known as the premortal
life. All spirits, including Satan's, were born of our Heavenly Father
and Mother before this world and universe were organized. We existed
with them, waiting for the time when we could come down to earth and
gain a body for our spirits and continue on our path towards eternal
life. "Before creating the world, God produced a spirit like Himself,
replete with the virtues of the Father. Later he made another, in whom
the mark of divine origin was erased, because this one was besmirched by
the poison of jealousy and turned therefore from good to evil.... He was
jealous of his older Brother who, remaining united with his Father,
insured his affection unto himself. This being who from god became bad
is called Devil by the Greeks." All spirits, both good and bad, both Jesus and Satan, were created by the same heavenly parents, and therefore only in this sense could we all be considered brothers and sisters. This does not mean that we believe that Satan is anything like Jesus or like anyone else on this earth. Just as we see the potential for great goodness and great evil in humans around us, so has there always been such potential among the spirit children (Heb. 12:9) of God who are blessed with liberty to choose God and Christ or to choose evil. Satan chose the greatest evil possible and as a result became a "fallen angel" and a total and complete enemy to God and Christ. KELLY - Do Mormons believe that Catholics are going to hell? JOEL - It depends on which type of hell you are talking about. The Catholics and most other religions believe there are only two places you go after you die; Heaven or Hell. The LDS believe there are three main levels of heaven, two of which are where most all the inhabitants of the world will end up after the resurrection and Judgment, no matter what their religion. The LDS also believe there are three types of hell: (2) the miserable, but temporary, state of disobedient spirits in the
spirit world awaiting the resurrection; (3) the permanent habitation of the sons of perdition, who suffer the
second spiritual death and remain in hell even after the resurrection; Did I say there were only
three types? LAURA - If it is possible for a man to become a God, and God himself was born of Adam and Eve, why has there been no other recognized God since? JOEL - In this universe and at this time there is no other God than the one we worship now. As far as we are concerned there is only one godhead(God the Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost). Our scriptures and revelations we receive through our prophets are from the God of this universe and pertain only to us in this universe at this time. However, according to LDS doctrine, those of us who follow God's plan of salvation and are successful at reaching the Celestial Kingdom(after we die and are resurrected), will have the opportunity to become Gods also; but we will be Gods of other universes and at another time in the eternal future. None of this can happen though until Christ comes again and begins the resurrection. Our bodies must first reunite with our spirits before we can enter the Celestial kingdom or whatever kingdom God decides to send us to. These and many other things must happen before anyone else from this universe can become a god. No other God has been recognized because there is only one God that we are concerned with as far as our own salvation and eternal life is concerned. People of other universes and at other times have their own God who they worship. LAURA - Why are temple practices/ordinances so secretive. Not allowed to be discussed with new members or prospective members of LDS church? The reasons why the temple ordinances are kept out of the public's
knowledge has to do with the sacred nature of the temple itself and the
things that are learned within. The Temple is literally the House of the
Lord; a place where God Himself can come and reside if He so chooses.
Because of this only those who are righteous and worthy followers of
Jesus Christ, who have lived His teachings and kept the commandments,
may enter and participate in the ordinances. Those who are new to the
church need time to learn all they can about the gospel and prepare
themselves spiritually so that they will be able to understand what they
learn in the temple and so they will be able to keep the promises they
make with God, that are an important part of the ordinances. The church
even has temple preparation classes that help new members learn what
they need to know and do before they can participate in the Temple.
Normally a member will not be considered ready for the temple until at
least a year after baptism. "If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy,"(1 Corinthians 3:17) Matthew's council sounds
a little harsh but would also apply: THOMAS - Lucifer and 1/3 of the hosts of heaven were thrust down to this earth. We whom dwell on this earth have to be tempted by them. Are the other worlds of God also being tempted by this Lucifer or some other Lucifer. And if they are not, why are we so fortunate to have an evil spirit and his minions to plague us. And is this fair? JOEL - Many of these details you ask for have not really been made known to us yet as far as I know, but I will offer my opinion based on what is available in scripture and latter-day revelation. Joseph Smith received revelations explaining that through Jesus
Christ, many worlds are created and inhabited (D&C 76:22-24; 93:9-10;
Moses 1:33). Everyone who was going to inhabit those worlds, including
our earth, were present in the pre-existence along with Lucifer and his
1/3 of the host. It is a little difficult to understand through our scriptures what is happening to other people on other worlds. Our scriptures are meant for us, living on this planet at this time. Because of this it sometimes seems like they are talking to us as if we are the only ones that exist in the universe. For example the scripture in Revelation states: "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, . was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." (Rev. 12:7-9.) Here it sounds like Satan
and his followers are all on this one planet we call "the earth".
However, there are probably similar scriptures on the other worlds
that say the same thing, even though they are talking about the same
one Satan that we know about. LISA - My husband heard brothers from our Ward say that in the last days, the Temple built in Jerusalem will be built by the Jews (not LDS Temple); built like in the ancient times, with burnt sacrifices etc. Jesus will appear in that Temple and prove them that he is the Savior of the World and show his wounds and tell them that they denied him when he came among them as Jesus. I see nowhere in the scriptures that it will be the Jew's temple built or that Jesus would appear to them in their temple. Could you please clarify this to me. JOEL - Joseph Smith said: "Judah must return, Jerusalem must be rebuilt, and the temple, ..... It will take some time to rebuild the walls of the city and the temple, etc., and all this must be done before the Son of Man will make His appearance." (TPJS, p. 286, Documentary History of the Church, vol. 5, p. 337.) (Zech. 2:12; 12:6; Ether 13:5, 11; 3 Ne. 20:29-36; D&C 77:15) The keys to gather "Israel from the four parts of the earth" were
bestowed upon Joseph Smith by Moses during his appearance in the
Kirtland Temple on April 3, 1836. But before the temple is built, the Jewish people will begin to believe in Jesus Christ and eventually the gospel will be preached to them: "And I will remember the covenant which I have made with my people; and I have covenanted with them that I would gather them together in mine own due time, that I would give unto them again the land of their fathers for their inheritance, which is the land of Jerusalem, which is the promised land unto them forever, saith the Father. And it shall come to pass that the time cometh, when the fullness of my gospel shall be preached unto them; And they shall believe in me, that I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and shall pray unto the Father in my name." (3 Nephi 20:29-31) Wilford Woodruff said in 1855: "When the Gentiles reject the Gospel it will be taken from them, and go to the House of Israel, to that long-suffering people that are now scattered abroad through all the nations upon the earth, and they will rebuild Jerusalem their ancient city, and make it more glorious than at the beginning, and they will have a leader in Israel with them, a man that is full of the power of God and the gift of the Holy Ghost; but they are held now from this work, only because the fullness of the Gentiles has not yet come in." (Journal of Discourses, vol. 2, p. 200.) President Woodruff also identified who will build the temple when he
said: Orson Pratt said: Considering all scriptures and statements it appears that after the Gospel has been preached to the Jews they will rebuild the temple and will expect their "true Messiah" to come to them. When He does come He will reveal to them that He is the same one called Jesus Christ whom they did not recognize as the Messiah when He first came: ". they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him. " (Zech. 12:10.) "And then shall the Jews
look upon me and say: What are these wounds in thine hands and in thy
feet? |
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