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 Thought to Ponder

Quotes to think about by old-time preachers.

"Let's quit fiddling with religion and do something to bring the world to
Christ." ~
Billy Sunday

"The Jesus that men want to see is not the Jesus they really need to see."
~G. Campbell Morgan

"It is a poor sermon that gives no offense; that neither makes the hearer displeased with himself nor with the preacher"   ~George whitefield

"The only reason some of us are not exiled or thrown into prison is simply because we do not preach as fervently and as sternly as did Paul, John, Peter
and others. This modern "santa claus" religion that is sweeping the country today is not the religion Jesus taught and John practiced." ~
Oliver B. Greene

“I would rather win souls than be the greatest king or emperor on earth; I would rather win souls than be the greatest general that ever commanded an army; I would rather win souls than be the greatest poet, or novelist, or literary man who ever walked the earth. My one ambition in life is to win as many as possible.”
R. A. Torrey

"Do not have your concert first, and then tune your instrument afterwards. Begin the day with the Word of God and prayer, and get first of all into
harmony with Him.” ~
Hudson Taylor

Ask yourself:
Do these make sense to me, and if so …. Why?

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