UMC Bishop Pro-Homosexuality
Bishop Intervenes in Local Pastor Decision
UPDATE:  UMC Accepts Homosexuals as Members

A recent report from Agape Press © about a United Methodist bishop intervening in a local Pastor's decision really brought to a head my feelings about homosexuality and God.   Last month, Bishop Charlene Kammerer of the United Methodist Church (UMC) Virginia Annual Conference intervened in the case and declared that Pastor Edward Johnson was obligated to accept a homosexual man as a member of South Hill Methodist Church.  After Johnson declined, Kammerer placed him on an involuntary leave of absence until he complied with her request. 

Mark Tooley, director of the United Methodist Action Committee for the Institute on Religion and Democracy, says the suspension is disturbing on several levels.

"Most obviously she was compromising the ability of local clergy to make their own decisions as to whether or not someone is prepared to join the church," Tooley asserts.  "And United Methodist teachings do say that when you join the church, you are expected to uphold the beliefs of the church and to show repentance in your life."

Tooley believes Johnson's suspension could eventually be nullified.  "This case ... will go before the denomination's Judicial Council, the top church court, at their meeting in October," he notes.  "So possibly, and maybe even likely, the Judicial Council will overturn Bishop Kammerer's decision."

According to Tooley, the homosexual man involved is proud and unrepentant of his sinful lifestyle, and seemingly wants to make himself a test case against the church's teachings.  That being the case, the IRD spokesman says Pastor Johnson was justified in denying the man membership.

Kammerer whose conference is under the Southeast Jurisdiction (SEJ) of the UMC, chairs the SEJ's "Connectional Table," which governs the Lake Junaluska conference and retreat facility in North Carolina.  According to Tooley, that facility will be hosting a four-day pro-homosexuality rally over Labor Day weekend, organized by the group Reconciling Congregations.  The IRD spokesman describes that group as one committed to overturning the UMC's teachings on marriage and sexual ethics.  Jim Brown, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reported for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online, wrote this articles.

SAD...So Sad, to think this is what the mighty wonderful God fearing United Methodist Church has become. There is NO justification for ANY bishop to make this kind of decision!  There is NO justification for ANY Church Denomination to elevate anyone with these kind of beliefs to the office of Bishop!  It's time for the powers to be in the United Methodist Church to begin the purging process to clean up their Church! This is not the first time this type of activity has come up in the Methodist Church.  Over the past 30 or so years, the UMC has changed drastically from their beginning times.  Times when preachers traveled often without a place to sleep except on the cold ground just top find a person or two to preach to. Preachers who defended the Holy Bible to the death!  Preachers who preached against sin and immoral lifestyles.  Preachers who were willing to give up everything just to preach the Gospel!  John Wesley would definitely break away from the current Methodist Church and begin something new if he were alive today.  I cannot imagine how sorrowful he would feel if he could see what has become of his dream, a dream to bring the Gospel to the world without compromise.

The UMC has compromised greatly and without a doubt has began the process of losing favor with God!  Membership has declined over the past few decades.  The report below backs this claim.

UMNS# 05118-United Methodist giving grows, despite membership drop

From "NewsDesk" <NewsDesk@UMCOM.ORG>
Date Fri, 25 Feb 2005 17:28:17 -0600
A UMNS Report
By Joretta Purdue*

UMNS (United Methodist News Service)

United Methodists increased their giving by nearly 4 percent to the denomination's churchwide ministry during 2004, despite the loss of more than 69,000 members.

The increase of almost $4.4 million to the United Methodist Church's seven apportioned funds marks a reversal from slight decreases in the two preceding years, noted Sandra Lackore, treasurer and head of the denomination's financial agency.

"We are grateful for the significant number of local congregations and conferences that faithfully met their commitment to make possible the work of our church," Lackore said in a letter sent to church officials with final figures for the year.

Membership declined by 69,141 to a total of less than 8.2 million U.S. members, including clergy. This figure is based on congregational statistics collected for 2003 and reported through the annual (regional) conferences after their sessions in spring 2004. These numbers reflect a continuing decline in U.S. membership that has been ongoing for at least three decades. The giving reported here is for 2004.
* Purdue is a freelance writer residing in Colorado Springs, Colo

69,000 members last year.  That's a lot of people who have changed, dropped out or something.  Hopefully, these 69,000 members have found a church that teaching the Gospel without compromise.  As stated above this is a continuing trend over the last 3 decades.  Something has to be wrong.  I believe the cause is simple.  Losing favor from God!  The Bible tells many stories of people and Kingdoms that while they continued to worship Jehovah, they prospered and grew, but when they turned to other idols and gods, they became weak, lost people and soon fell.  The Bible says that is because they lost favor with God.  How simple can it be!  The sad part is that if the UMC itself doesn't decide to do something about it, nothing will changed until it is too late to be saved.  The UMC seems to be at the forefront with beliefs like: "live and let live"; "that's the way it is today"; "everyone does it nowadays"; "well, times have changed"; etc.  They have fallen into a state of apostasy!  I believe this with all my heart and it saddens and sickens me to see this happen.  I was raised in the Methodist Church and recently began attending a UMC again for a period of a little over one year.  I was appalled at the changes.  I witnessed homosexuals in some of the Methodist churches, drunkards, druggies and the lot while never hearing a sermon on any of these lifestyles being a sin against the all-mighty GOD.  All that is ever preached is LOVE.  Basically the UMC preachers are saying "if you love them, they will change:.  I say NO!  they, the homosexual, the drunkard, the drug addict will not change because they have never heard what they are supposed to change from.  All they know is that they are living as a homosexual, a drunkard, a drug addict and no one has said a word about it and that the church still loves them and wants them to come and be a part of their congregation.  Talk about having your cake and eat it too.  BUT, listen to me!  GOD will not, I repeat, GOD will not allow this to continue and He will not bless the UMC as long it stands for these kinds of beliefs.  Therefore, it is time to change before it is too late! 

When the UMC changes, they will once again see revival, once again see wonderful growth in their churches, once again see the loving favor of God poured out on them.  If you are a Methodist, I mean no ill feelings towards you at all.  I am just concerned about the denomination you support and the beliefs they attain.  Please consider talking to your local Pastor and letting them know that you love GOD more than you love any denomination and that you truly wish to see GOD as forefront in all doctrines and beliefs of the UMC.

As for Bishop Kammerer, I do believe she should be placed on involuntary leave until she can honestly show the Council that she follows the BIBLE and nothing else.  Until she denounces homosexuality and calls it what it is...a sin against GOD.  

In His Service,
Robert Wise