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There are many in the church today that dismiss and mock doctrine. Anyone who dares point out false doctrine is ridiculed and called a “Heresy Hunters” (I plead guilty).
However, one must not forget that the Bible is a book of doctrine. It is impossible to be saved without the doctrine of Salvation being presented, or healed without the doctrine of healing being proclaimed. Everything as it regards the benefits of the Cross, is a specific doctrine. To the Christian, doctrine should not be a “negative” but a “positive.” As stated, without doctrine we can not know Christ, His Word, or enjoy His benefits.
Let’s define Doctrine:
In the Greek, Doctrine means “teaching” or “instruction” as it regards a specific matter. It is a principle or position on the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief. Doctrine is the fundamental truths of the Bible arranged in systematic form. Bible Doctrine is God’s revelation of a truth found in scripture. 
Myer Pearlman, a noted Bible Scholar of the past said,
 “It is often said that it does not matter what a man believes so long as he does right. This is one way of dismissing doctrine as having no importance in relation to life. But ever person has a theology or doctrine whether he knows it or not; man’s actions are influenced by what he believes.”
I maintain that if one doesn’t understand the message of the Cross you will not be able to understand and process all the great doctrines of the Bible. All Scriptural error flows from an inferior knowledge of Christ and Him Crucified. Let me say it again. All Bible doctrine flows from the foundation of Calvary. The Cross is not a doctrine but a foundation by which all Bible doctrine flows to us.
Correct doctrine is essential to correct living and must be defended at all costs. I am a follower of the doctrine of Christ, and what is that? 
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It is John 3:16:
 “For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
 The doctrine of Christ pertains to “who” Christ is and “what” Christ has done. He is God but more particularly, He is God manifest in the flesh, very man- very God. (John 1:1, 14, 29). What He did was to die on Calvary’s Cross. He became min in order to redeem man by becoming the only sacrifice God could and would accept.
If we confuse this issue as to who Christ is, and what Christ has done, we cannot be saved. If one can not interpret His person correctly then one cannot properly understand scripture and have proper doctrine. Without this, one could lose their soul! The only cure for deception is proper doctrine and our understanding of it.
I am a watchman, called to warn the people of God. I am a defender and contender of the faith once delivered unto the Saints (Jude 3). I do this by proclaiming correct doctrine and pointing out the false.
Scriptures to Study:
I Tim. 4:6, Acts 17:11, Col.2:8, II Tim. 2:15, IICor.4:2, Pro. 4:2, II John 10, Titus 1:9, II Tim 1:13, Titus 2:1, II John 7, II Peter 2:1, I Tim. 6:3, I Tim. 6:20

Donnie Swaggart                                             What are your thoughts on this article?