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P.O. Box 67, Golden, IL 62339
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Jack Hayford

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Jack Hayford Articles
(listed below are all articles that mention Jack Hayford on our website)

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Serving Communion to the Un-Saved ?
A less traditional means we use to encourage commitment is the Lord's Supper. We invite all the people to gather around the Lord's Table and partake in small groups. We believe it is the Lord's Table we are invited to, the Lord is doing the inviting, and no one is excluded. To us that means unbelievers are invited, as well ... more

A Review by Jacob Prasch
A Review Of Gary S Greig's Pseudo Scholarly Apologetic For The Unbiblical Antics Of Todd Bentley And The Lakeland, Florida Sequel To The Failed Revivals Of Kansas City, Toronto, and Pensacola ... more

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