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Greg Locke is the founder of Global Vision Bible Church (GVBC) in Mount Juliet, Tennessee. He is nationally known for his conservative, politically incorrect social media postings about politics and religion. Having been featured in the Tennessean, CNN, and on local news stations, Greg Locke has built a Facebook following of over 1 million. Using this following, Greg has been able to draw donations into GVBC from what the church calls its “internet members.” Greg is also a sought after speaker on the revival circuit. Throughout his career in ministry, Greg has presented himself as a Bible-believing Christian pastor vehemently opposed to abortion, homosexuality, and the profaning of marriage. However, in reality, Greg Locke is a scheming, unrepentant adulterer. On January 8, 2018 Pulpit & Pen published an article entitled “Greg Locke Divorces Wife, Finds New Girlfriend” after it was reported to us by a disaffected church memberthat Greg’s wife, Melissa Locke, had disappeared from town and that Locke was romantically involved with his church secretary, Tai Cowan McGee. Shortly after our report was published, a Georgia pastor with knowledge of the situation contacted Pulpit & Pen with information about the whereabouts of Melissa. Melissa was living in a women’s shelter in Georgia, far away from her church and children. In an interview given to Pulpit & Pen, Melissa alleged physical abuse at the hands of Greg and revealed pages of vicious text messages her husband had sent to her during their separation. Despite this, Melissa Locke attempted to salvage her marriage. She ended divorce proceedings that she had initiated against her troubled husband. Despite this, Greg Locke published a video claiming that he was a “divorced pastor.” After this untruth was revealed, Locke filed divorce proceedings himself. Despite ongoing reports of Locke’s unfaithfulness and accounts from locals that Greg was dating his secretary, many of his followers and church members refused to believe that Greg Locke had disqualified himself for ministry. Today, Pulpit and Pen obtained a marriage license filed in the state of Tennessee which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Greg Locke has indeed legally married his church secretary Tai Cowan McGee, less than three months** after divorcing his wife of twenty years. This marriage certificate indicates that Greg and Tai were married on August 2 nd. Interestingly enough, sources in Mt. Juliet have claimed that Locke was married as early as July 22nd at GVBC in a ceremony officiated by Jarrod Almond (GVBC Executive Pastor) and attended by church staff and elders. We received the following anonymous email on July 25th:
The understanding in Mount Juliet was that Greg and Tai were “married in God’s eyes.” Named sources have also verified a pre-August wedding. Whenever Greg legally married Tai, it is obvious that what Greg did was immoral. A church member who recently left GVBC, (name redacted)*** shared the following about GVBC:
(name redacted)***is rightfully disgusted with the behavior of the man who claimed to be her pastor however what does the Bible say about Locke’s behavior?
Not only are Greg and Tai divorced from their previous spouses, Greg Locke actually officiated the wedding ceremony of Tai and her former husband. As if this matter could be any more heinous, the stress of her marriage caused Melissa Locke to talk of suicide. Tai, Melissa’s close friend, once said to her, “Well, what if you did die, wouldn’t you want it to be me?” Now, Tai is the stepmother to Melissa’s children. It is my opinion, from all the testimony I have heard coming out of Mt. Juliet, that Greg Locke and Tai want Melissa to kill herself. The evil that has been perpetrated on Melissa Locke is almost without compare. Despite their behavior, Greg and Tai continue to have support at GVBC and Greg’s internet following. This type of behavior would be condemned among non-Christians and yet it is winked at by those claiming to belong to Christ. Let the matter be clear: Greg Locke is not God’s anointed. Greg Locke is not like David, a man after God’s own heart who fell into sexual sin (David repented when he was confronted, Greg Locke doubled-down). continue reading entire article here Comment on this Article |
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