Forgotten Word Ministries |
Does God have a place in Public Discussion? |
February 25, 2009
When considering all this, I found myself feeling guilty. Guilty of what I thought? Guilty of failing to be open and proud of my God and His worthiness. Many years ago, I would avoid those very same topics with many people for the same reasons as stated above. I didn't want to hurt someone's feelings by discussing politics because if I disagreed with them I might be causing them to feel either offended or hurt by what they believed in. As for discussing God, I didn't want to embarrass anyone or make them feel guilty especially if they were not saved. Thank God, I at this point in my life, discuss both politics and religion in the public arena. Especially grateful am I that I am not ashamed to discuss my beliefs about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I try to incorporate the Lord into every conversation I have. I am not always successful but many times I am. It is no wonder our Country is in the condition it is in. God has been confined to the four square walls of a church building with bars on the doors and windows. Bring Him out for a Sunday afternoon dinner but whatever you do, don't talk out loud about Him in front of anyone. I know this seems silly to some, but it is just the plain truth. The God people do talk about in public is not the God of the Bible. |
The God most people talk about is the God of "prosperity". The God of "self-indulgence". The God of "make believe". The God of "make-me-feel-good". The God of "anything goes". The list goes on and on. Don't believe me? Take a morning off from Church on Sunday and watch with open eyes and ears from about 5:00 a.m. until noon, all the different preachers on TV and you will se first hand what I am talking about. Very few of the programs on TV will preach anything about "Repentance", "Hell", "Punishment by God" or anything else except "love" and "personal increase". Very few teach the "whole" council of the Bible. They seem to pick and choose what only the parts which build them up or show increase on a personal level. Very few teach the "overall whole picture" of what the Bible is all about. It seems there is a mentality abounding that says "if I increase, then it must be from God". "If we have the largest congregation", it must be from God. "If we have the "best toys", "largest building", "loudest choir", it must be from God. The bigger is better mentality certainly has taken hold of America's Churches. BUT, those very same people who gather together on Sunday morning in their mega-churches, walk out after the service and leave God and His teachings right in the pew waiting for them next Sunday. Years ago, Rodney King said something like, "can't we all just get along" and it seems his words were prophetic in regards to how people talk today. Most people are willing to sacrifice their soul to not cause a rift or not cause a disagreement with someone. I remember when it was right and proper to discuss differences between individuals and no one was considered a hypocrite or a jerk or a heretic for it. Today, you disagree and people call you a trouble maker. Even when you are right and they are wrong about a subject, it doesn't matter. You are the bad guy for even bringing up anything that may seem controversial. I personally do not agree with that approach at all. I would rather go down fighting as to join the "dark side" and lose all my future inheritance. My "father" has promised me a wonderful inheritance when I pass from this life to the next and I am looking forward to it with baited breath. We "MUST" repent from our
wicked ways. Allow God to be an open book with you in regards to
everything you do in life, whether it be talking to a fellow believer in
private or having a friendly chat with a stranger on the street.
If the sun is shining, let the other person know that God has sure made
a great day hasn't He? If it's a overcast day, tell them that it
won't last, God has a brighter day coming. Find a way to gently
allow God into the discussion. DO NOT BE ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL!
(Romans 1:16) The Gospel is
what God left for us to learn from. His Word is a lamp unto our
feet. He will brighten our paths!
God Bless. What are your thoughts on this article? 'God' - the new
four-letter word in public schools Why is religion taboo in American schools? Christian attorney John Whitehead addresses that question. "God has become THE four-letter word in most
public schools in the United States," says Whitehead, founder of The
Rutherford Institute. And he explains in a commentary why that has come
to pass: "An elite segment of society that views God as irrelevant has
come to predominate." (View
video commentary) |