You can support Forgotten Word Ministries (FWM) by PRAYING
for us!
This is a Ministry and it cannot survive without God's leading and
blessing. We are given an awesome responsibility as a Discernment Ministry, and
we covet your prayers. We sincerely want God to be pleased with the work at
We would
ask that you hold this Ministry up in prayer on a continual basis as prayer
is the most powerful weapon we have against the evil one who desires to suppress
Ministries such as this one.
Every effort put forth on this website is made possible through the prayers and
financial support of people who share the same burden as we do. That burden is
a heartfelt concern for the lost souls in this world. First let me thank you for
all the prayers you have sent our way. Prayer is such a major part of this
Ministry. Secondly, let me thank you for the financial support you have
provided to us. We could not do it without you. I realize that there are many
different Ministries that need support as we do and we just cannot tell you how
much we appreciate what you have provided. God Bless each of you for your
sacrifices. I promise you that we will use your offerings to spread the True
Word of God to the Nations as effectively and efficiently as we possibly can. Please know that no-one receives a salary of any kind here at Forgotten Word Ministries. All monies go towards spreading the truth of the Gospel, internet cost, computer cost, etc.
We welcome you to become a friend with us in this endeavor to expose False
Preachers and False Teachings. Our appreciation to you comes from the heart.
All we ask is that you FIRST,
pray and seek God's direction in this matter. We would have you only do
what you feel led to do by direction of the Lord. We ask that you be
obedient to His direction as He will bless you for your faithfulness.
Souls are being saved because of you.
Please send a check or money order made out
to: Pastor Robert Wise at the following address. God Bless You.
Pastor Robert Wise
P.O. Box 67
Golden, IL 62339