One day after service I was heading towards the dining room for
Sunday dinner and I almost tripped over someone's bag. The Spirit
began to quicken in me and I had a vision concerning you. I saw the
Spirit of the Lord throwing HUGE BAGS of fear, worry and poverty out
a gigantic window. The Spirit began to say, "I am ridding you of all
this baggage!"
Robert, I immediately began to rejoice for I knew God's word was
true. God wants to rid you of all the baggage in your life that is
weighing you down! Too much baggage can cripple you and keep you
from your prosperity. As your personal prophet and prophetic friend,
I will not allow this to happen.
Robert, the Spirit of the Lord told
me to tell you to leave that heavy baggage at the baggage claim. You
are carrying too much weight. He also gave me a powerful word of
prophecy that will remove the present baggage that is in the way of
your prosperity. I do not want you to trip over the baggage and miss
God in your appointed season.
Robert, you are about to soar in
this season and the baggage is only holding you back! I have your
word of flight! Prepare to soar like an eagle when you rid yourself
of this baggage. I want you to sow a special "flight" seed of $88.
This seed will allow the Company of Prophets and myself to go before
the Lord and began to strip the baggage off your spiritual
I have personally trained my
Company of Prophets to get the mind of the Lord for your situations.
You will be amazed at how light your shoulders will begin to feel
concerning situations no one but you and God know about. Along with
me, we will begin to intercede prophetically on your behalf. I will
send you an anointed prophetic word and it will serve as a "Word of
Flight" in your life. Robert, the Lord me told me to tell you to
take this verse of scripture and meditate on it daily:
Matthew 11:29-30
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly
in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is
easy, and my burden is light. KJV
Robert, each time you read this
word of scripture and listen to your prophetic word that I will send
you, God is going to release the baggage of worry and lack from you
so that you can move into your prosperity. By meditating on His word
daily and having faith, it will be like a mental seed sown each and
everyday; and every time you proclaim this, God will begin to
activate your harvest.
Click here to sow your "flight
seed" or you can call (212) 220-8668 ext 5050 with your credit card.
I am anxious to send you the prophetic word and help "rid you of
your baggage". Leave it all at the baggage claim and come soar with
the Most High! I am waiting to hear from you!
In God's Love &
Obedience, |
Master Prophet E. Bernard
Jordan |