Michael Houke |
12:18pm Dec 18 |
What the Nation of Islam
1. God is a Black Man
2. White man is not a creation of God. (A dissatisfied black scientist
named Mr. Yacub was bent on creating a race of evil people by having
them interbreed with each other, this is their explanation for the
different colors/shades of black people).
3. White men are blue-eyed devils
4. All black men can become Gods
5. Jesus was not God in the flesh, he was only a prophet
6. Jesus was a Muslim
7. Jesus cannot save anyone
8. Jesus’ body is still in Palestine
9. Blacks must change their names away from slave/white names
10. The original man is “the Blackman”, They are sacred vessels of the
Temple of God.
11. By nature white people are liars and murderers
12. White people are born devils by nature
13. Christians preach love but practice hate and tyranny
14. Christianity is the White man’s religion
15. Black people are divine and righteous
16. There is no afterlife upon death
17. Jews are the enemies of the blacks
18. They deny the trinity
19. They are waiting for a race war will they will destroy the white man
and rule the planet.
20. They believe in polytheism (many Gods)
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