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Preachers List
= all links on one page
Andrew Womack
Arnold Murray
Benny Hinn *
Bernard Jordan
Beth Moore
Bill Johnson *
Bob Jones *
Bonnie Jones
C. Peter Wagner
Chuck Pierce
Creflo Dollar
David Yonggi Cho
Daystar Television
Depak Chopra
Dutch Sheets
Ed Young
Ed Young Jr
Eddie Long
Frederick K.C. Price
Harold Camping
Heidi Baker
Jack Hayford *
Jack Van Impe *
Jaunita Bynum
Jerry Sevelle
Jesse Duplantis  *
Jim Baker
Joel Osteen *
John & Carol Arnett
John Avanzini
John Crowder
John Wimber
Jonathan Cahn
Joseph Prince *
Joyce Meyer *
Kenneth & Gloria Copeland *
Kenneth Hagin *
Kim Clement
Manasseh Jordan
Marcus & Joni Lamb
Marilyn Hickey *
Sarah Bowling
Mark Chironna
Mike Bickle
Mike Murdock  *
Morris Cerullo
Myles Monroe
(NAR) New Apostolic Reformation *
Oral Roberts
Pat Robertson
Patricia King
Paul Begley
Paul Cain
Paul Crouch
Paula White
Peter Popoff
Manasseh Jordan
Randy White
Richard Bonnke
Rick Joyner
Rick Warren
Rob Bell
Robert Schuller
Robert Tilton
Rod Parsley
Rodney Howard Browne
Sarah Young
Sid Roth
Steve Furtick
Steve Munsey
T. D. Jakes
Todd Bentley *
Todd Coontz
William Branham  *         dddddddddddd    


How the Chosen Series Has Distorted Scripture  NEW
American Family Radio drops Allister Begg from radio programing schedule
Hillsong ‘Worship’ Concert Includes Women on Stage, Writhing in Towels 
Perilous Times Have Come !
The Book of Life ---- Who's in, Who's Out ?
Are You Willing to Follow Him?
Is Slain in the Spirit Biblical?
DC Comics to introduce Jesus Christ as new superhero with a distorted telling of the Savior
Emotion or Worship
The Harvest and James MacDonald Controversy Explained
Mega Church Pastor Issues Urgent Warning to Christians Who do Yoga
Bill Johnson Sells Prophetic Dream Pillow Cases
For If I Preach the Gospel
When Are Christians Going to Care About This? NEW
God's Message to this Generation
Hype versus Holiness
Joel Osteen the Gospel of "ME"
The Truth about the Church's Fundraising Tactics
List of Commands from Jesus in the New Testament
The Biblical Case for Discernment
A brief understanding of each book of the New Testament
If your Bible kept a diary
Charismatics Using ‘Christian Ouija Board’ to Communicate with Angels
Joel Osteen Joins Ranks of Modern Day Prophets
Faith ---- Have You Lost Yours?
Willow Creek's Entire Elder Board, Pastor Heather Larson Resign Over Bill Hybels Scandal, Failings

A House of Merchandise
Vatican meets #MeToo: Nuns denounce their abuse by priests
Why doesn't God Heal Amputees ?
Answers to Bible Questions
A Little Leaven
Megachurch Pastor Dean Curry fired by Assemblies of God
Letter to the Elders & Board Members of a Church
The Holy Spirit by Pastor Bob Wise
Old-Time “Circuit Riders . .vs . Today’s Preacher” A Comparison
The True Gospel of Jesus the Messiah
5 Signs you're part of an unhealthy Church
Being a Watchman
Why is Daily Prayer Important?
Pastor Andy Stanley has stated that Christians need to "unhitch" the Old Testament from their faith
United Methodist Church Leadership Endorses Plan to Soften Stance Against Homosexuality New Apostolic Reformation An Examination of the Five-Fold Ministries Part 1
New Apostolic Reformation An Examination of the Five-Fold Ministries Part 2
Preachers Net Worth
The Persistent Widow Luke 18:1-8
A New Commandment John 13:34 ( audio ) 
Jesus is the Reason
Are You Kidding Me ? ( audio radio program )
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
Embarrassed or Ashamed ?  mp3 audio 

The Old Serpent and the Slacker by Marsha West

Katt Kerr releases Lightning to cure cancer and poverty.  Wolf Alert! 

Some Christian news blogs and high-profile leaders overlook the truth

70% of Americans Christians ... Really? by Marsha West

Being One with Christ  

Upper or Supper Room?

Reasons to believe why Jesus will return before 2050 AD

Can A Person Lose Their Crown / Salvation?  Rev. 3:11 explanation 

Are You Called to be a Preacher of the Gospel?  (audio) 

The Two Witnesses from Heaven will be Hell to the World

Todd Bentley & Wife Spouting Tall Tales 

Watchmen Who Are Not Watchmen

John Wesley - Portrait of a Revival Preacher by Leonard Ravenhill 

Feel Like Shoutin'

Victoria Osteen Responds to Critics suggesting Misinterpretation of her Comments  

WOTM Presents a Contrast Between Joel Osteen & Paul Washer Presentation of the Gospel.

All Miracles and Healings come from God

Just Being Comfortable

Victoria Osteen tells Blasphemous tale to Congregation

The Low-Information Evangelical (Lie). Part 2 by Marsha West

 Temple of the God Makers Documentary 

The Low-information Evangelical,   part 1 

What's So Funny? 

Is Your Favorite Preacher a False Preacher?

Who's Foolin' Who? 

What the World Needs Now  

The Bible 

Laodicea or Philadelphia? 

It's the Message, Not the Messenger 

Do You Sin Cheaply? 

The Soap Manufacturer 

Ye Have Made It 

Seven Truths to Defeat Worry 

Why we post "Thoughts to Ponder" 

Heart of Wisdom 

Singing "Weller

Making Disciples 

Famous Christian Charity "World Vision" Hiring Married 'Gays'  

Are you Giving to God with a Cheerful Heart

Steven Furtick of Elevation Church Lashes Back at Critics 

Steven Furtick and the Fundamentals Critique 

Supreme Court Sends Homeschoolers Packing

Former Toronto Vineyard Pastor Repents

Court: School was within its rights to ban U.S. flag T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo

After Defending Rights to Blaspheme Jesus, Purdue University Removes "God" from Donor's Plaque 

Are You Getting Comfortable?  A Thought to Ponder 

Rick Warren and Rev. Samuel Rodriguez together at Thrive Conference 

Lakewood school board won’t hire Daubenmire as football coach 

Pastor David Yonggi Cho sentenced to 3 years for embezzling $12 million dollars 

Outraged Parents Speak Out After Heroin Found in Faculty Bathroom of Elementary School 

Homeowners Association Tells Family to Take Down ‘Welcome Home’ Sign for Sailor 

Steve Furtick & Elevation Church Produce Fake Baptisms 

What Men Live By - Leo Tolstoy 

Battle for the Soul 

Celebrity Giving- What if they gave proportionally? 

Ken Ham - Bill Nye Debate 

Email from Rod Parsley 

A Boy's Prayer 

Perseverance - Abraham Lincoln 

Thank God for the Resurrection! 

Becoming One with Christ 

The Gospel of Unity 

Audio - Worship in Spirit & Truth 

Video - Disciples or Converts? 

What are Wolves in Sheep's Clothing? 

Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing: 5 Tips to Identify One 

Are You in the Way? 

The Judgment on Judging 

Passion for the Lord 

Rick Warren's Daniel Plan  

Who Can Tell Me? 

Happy or Holy  

Who Was That 

A Piece of Wood 

The Burning Hut 

I Die Daily - A Thought to Ponder  

The New Jesus by Paul Proctor  

A Warning for Contenders  

Are we little gods made in His image? 

Doctrine of Demons 

Free Posters For Any Use  

Why Pastors Won't Take A Stand - Chuck Baldwin 

A Challenge to Message Believers concerning William Branham 

God is Fixin' to Make You Rich!  

Delicate, Brittle, So-Called Saints by Ken Silva 


Are You Offended? 

Silver and Gold Have I Quite a Large Sum

Are You Afraid of the Holy Spirit?

Who do you trust




A Good Name



How do I reach my Neighbors with the Gospel?

Could you be wrong in your claims about Judgment Day and hell?

Christian Bikers Church

Boy seems to be praying to Barack Obama

How Do I Know if I am Really Saved by Ray Gano

Sayings from the Masters 

Market Driven Church (behind the scenes) by Gary Giilley

Beliefs of Jehovah Witness

Jay Bakker Denies Atonement

Answers to the Critics 

Smilingly Leading You to Hell

Word of Faith Heresy Sayings

Profane Preachers by Marsha West

William Branham - False Prophet

Are all Angels Safe? by Marsha West

Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost?

Biblical Divine Healing Versus Other Types Of Healing by Sandy Simpson

Creflo Dollar Arrested for Attacking 15 year old daughter

Jesus: The illumined Illuminator by Marsha West

Atheist Sue State of Pennsylvania over Year of the Bible Resolution

What's In A Name? Largest Protestant Denomination in America Talking Considering A New Name

Churchianity, Christianity or Christ

The Branham Subterfuge Advanced in the “gifted church”  

Paul Crouch's Granddaughter Exposes Corruption at TBN by Jackie Alnor   

The Coalescing Of The Christian Right With Apostolic Dominionism  By Orrel Steinkamp 

Evangelical speaker: True Christians don’t demonize Mormons, Obama.

TBN - It is Biblical Isn't It?

Holy Laughter - Is it Biblical?

What Islam Believes in

What the Christian Movement Believes in.

The Ouija Board - Is it just another Board Game?

Pre-Trib or Post-Trib Rapture By: Dave Hunt

Pathetic Protholics like James Robison are Reversing the Reformation by Ken Silva

Liberal Evangelicals Don't Represent Me by Jan Markell

Con of the Month: Rod Parsley by Robert Wise

Black Friday by Robert Wise

Postmodernism and the Emerging Church

The SIN of the World by Robert Wise (short audio message)

Rethinking Church  Where Is Willow Creek, and Where Are We? by Chuck Colson

Willow Creek's Big Adventure by Gary Gilley   repeat of article but relevant for today.

Gold Dust, Gold Teeth...are they real in Revivals?

Short Message on the Emerging/Emergent Church by Robert Wise

To Worship in Spirit & in Truth  by Robert Wise  (audio) Sermon preached on Oct. 09,2011

Where Joel Osteen Is Right .. And Wrong by Spiritwatch Ministries

Joseph Prince: Mega Star

Pastor's Sex Challenge For Congregation (about Ed Young Jr.)

My Sins are Not Hid From Thee by Robert Wise

Glenn Beck's "pure personal truth," Part 2 By Marsha West

Glenn Beck's "pure personal truth," Part 1 By Marsha West

Here’s a shocker: The false gospel of John Crowder, Benjamin Dunn, and Sloshfest originated from an LSD drug-induced experience.

Are Today's Preachers, Real Preachers? by Robert Wise  (audio file) part 2

Are Today's Preachers, Real Preachers? by Robert Wise  (audio file) part 1

The Truth Twisting and Tall Tales of Joyce Meyer by Paul R. Belli and G. Richard Fisher

Apostasy Alert with Jackie Alnor   click here to listen  (takes a moment to load then will play)

Mormon Falsehoods Explained - author unknown

Do Faith Healers Really Heal as the Claim? by Robert Wise

It's Time for Christian Leaders to Test False Teachers by Marsha West

Word of Faith Heresy Sayings by The Shepherd's Voice

Is "Heaven Is for Real" for Real?: An Exercise In Discernment T.A. McMahon

I am a Critic by Graham Pockett

Do you really want to join the Rally?  by Jackie Alnor

Texas Governor's upcoming Leadership Event includes Cult Members by Marsha West

Eating the Bread of Opposition by Carter Conlon

Creflo Dollar Says: “Shoot Them All Dead” by Donna Vermillion

The Old Serpent and the Slacker By Marsha West

In Bed with TBN by Jackie Alnor

Bible Quiz on People who Prayed in Ancient Israel

Walter Martins Warning to the Church (1988) from Let Us Reason Ministries

Rod Parsley Rant by Robert Wise

Parable of the Swords and Foes Matthew 10:32-38 by Robert Wise

Pastrix Paula White faces Division within the walls by Ken Silva

Portrait of a False Prophet by Sharon Lindbloom

Problems with the Book of Mormon  by John Ankerberg and John Weldon

'Red Eye' host gives social conservatives a black eye. by Marsha West

Is It Right to Judge Others? by E. L. Bynum

Scriptures on False Preachers by Robert Wise

False Teaching by Stuart Brogden

Should We Never Judge?

Have We Lost The Fear of God? by Robert Wise

Blind Faith? by Jackie Alnor

All That Glitters is Not God's Glory by Jackie Alnor

We Must Tell People to Repent

Can a Pagan Practice be "Christianized?" by Marsha West

Another Jesus? A Different Gospel? A Different Spirit? by Rita Sanders

Americans Draw Theological Beliefs From Diverse Points of View

Living For Him? Really? by Ray Gano

Contemporary Worship vs. Biblical Worship

Rick Warren’s “Apologetics” Weekend Should Apologize for Representing “Another Gospel”

Church Hosts Global Faith Forum for world's Religions  by Paul Procter

Portrait of a False Prophet  by Sharon Lindbloom

Are you praying to the only true God?

New Spirituality, Old Lies

The 'Camel Method' of Evangelism is not Biblical by Paul Proctor

Is It Time for a New Reformation?

Rock Star High by Paul Proctor

What the Bible says about Judging

Where Have All The Christians Gone?

Self Interest over Truth

Godly Commitment -Our Resolve

A World Gone Mad by Paul Proctor

The Dangers of the Gospel of Accommodation by David Wilkerson
The Emerging Church Shows it's Hand by Jackie Alnor

False Prophets and their False Prophesies  by Robert Wise

Why False Teachers Have So Many Followers

Sermon on the Mount Supports Gay Civil Unions, According to Obama

Context Counts . . . and sin is sin by Tim Wildmon

Are You a Church Worshipper by Paul Proctor

13 Heresies in the Shack by Michael Youssef

The twisted "truths" of The Shack & A Course in Miracles by Berit Kjos

A-maze-ing Prayer: The Labyrinth Offers Ancient Meditation For Today’s Hurried Souls. by Jane Whiting

Sex Evangelism Hits Evangelical Churches By Ingrid Schleuter

Pimping Preachers  by Bro. Robert Johnson

Why are some Preachers called False Teachers?  by Robert Wise

The "J" Word The Lost Art And Spiritual Calling Of Sound  Judgment

The New Exodus by Jackie Alnor

Evangelical Pastors Questioned for Highlighting Seattle's R-Rated Pastor at National Conference

Postmodernism by Jim Robinson

Pass The Salt Please by Rita Sanders

Prognosticators in the Church by Jackie Alnor

Emergent Church Sreading Spiritual Cancer

The Dual Covenant Heresy: More End-Time Deception by Jan Markell

Light A Fire Under Your Pastor by Coach Dave Daubenmire

Being True to my Church by Jackie Alnor

Are Preachers Lazy? by Robert Wise

Can You Be An Evangelical Christian And Deny God? by Ken Silva


The Heart of the Earth by Dr. Jay Worth Allen

Obama Appoints "Anti-Jesus" Jurist

My Reflections on the Emerging Church by Scott Tibbetts

Religion vs Christianity

Soaking by Todd Tomasella

Emerging Church Response by David Kowalski

The Death of Discernment in the Church by Mike Gendron

Who Wants to be a God?

Non-Profit Churches by Dave Daubenmire

Bible Guidelines for Clothing by Pastor Bruce Lackey

Why Women Should Not Be Pastors by Brian Allison

Abusing Authority by Spiritual Pathways Ministries

The Fall of Ted Haggard Lessons to be Learned...part 2

The Fall of Ted Haggard Lessons to be Learned...part 1

The  Death of Common Sense author unknown

Bedridden Believers by Paul Proctor

How to Fake a Healing by Caroline Weerstra

The Gospel: Why not preach that Jesus gives happiness, peace, and joy? from

Gentials Do Not Indicate Gender ? 
Almost Half of Practicing Christian Millennials Say Evangelism is Wrong 
James White preaches about himself at G3 defends Islamic Interfaith dialogue-again! 
James MacDonald Out as Pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel…on “Indefinite Sabbatical
Beware of men (and women) who see angels
Rick Warren: Replace Words in the Bible to Make it All About You
Just What is Doctrine
Examine Yourselves 2 Corinthians 13:5
Fair Mess for All by Tony Perkins
Does God Heal Amputees?
Should a Christian Gamble?
Should a Christian Drink Alcohol?
Stats Reveal that America now has more Witches than Presbyterians
Metamorphosis of the Universal Church in Our Time” by Jackie Alnor
Texas 'Prophet' Joshua Holmes Is 'Jesus in the Flesh,' Followers Say
Mall Retailer Spencer Gifts Sells ‘Let’s Summon Demons,’ ‘Let’s Sacrifice Toby’ T-Shirts: Viral Video
Major Periods of the Bible with Timeline Dates
Joyce Meyer Twist the Scripture of John 5:1-9 
We are in an Evangelism Crisis
Charismatics Now Using "Christian" Tarot Cards
More: Thoughts to Ponder 
Pastor Greg Locke: “Adulterer in God’s Eyes” Marries Church Secretary
The Dangers of the Gospel of Accommodation
New allegations against Pastor Dean Curry
Imagine No Christian Religion
How can I overcome the fear of death? How can I stop being scared of dying?
The Elder in the Church
America's Deadliest Drug
The Truth about Hell
Speaking in Tongues
Joel Osteen’s Church Has a $90 Million Annual Budget
The Bible's Command to Mark, Resist, Reprove and Separate from Error
The Church of no Offense by Paul Proctor
Commercialized Apologetics
Jehovah Witness Doctrinal Differences Jehovah Witness Beliefs The Saddest Thing About Going to Hell The Fall of Bill Hybels(Video)James Jacob Prasch-Live via Skype 5/11/18 What have we become? by Paul Proctor The PAPA Prayer review by Gary Gilley
Willow Creek Wants a "Just" Christmas

The Pride of Perversion by Paul Proctor

Wild at Heart by Stuart Brogden

Apostasy in the Church  by Steve Lumbley

Antichrist's Strategy Exposed by Jackie Alnor

The War against Reason by John Macarthur

Where has the Word of God Gone? - by Robert Wise

The Pursuit of Power by Jackie Alnor

A Call To Repentance

The Emerging Civil War by Paul Proctor


Turmoil In The Church by Cullen Bentley

A Perfect Church? by Ralph Dettwiler

Beatles Songs Explain Christianity

Wasted Lives by Steve Lumbley

12 Various Articles by Andy Neckar

Stand, Watch & Wait by Randy Hill

Maitreya's Rising by Paul Proctor

Thank God for the Skeptics by Brian Lawson

In Man We Trust! by Thomas Baird

Churchgoing on its knees

Abusing Authority by Spiritual Pathways Ministries

To Judge  or not to Judge by Richard Fisher

"Bible Fight" The Video Game

Review of In Defense of Israel

Superintendent's orders to worried dad: Butt out!

The New School Prayer Author Unknown

King James compared to New International Version

John Roberts - A Good Choice?  by Robert Wise

Quotes by Famous Preachers

In Some Nations, People Look to Obama as President of the World

Prayer of Jabez

Does God Have a Place in Public Discussions? by Robert Wise

Why FWM Exists by Robert Wise


Supreme Court Decision - Ten Commandments ..  by Robert Wise

Book of Daniel

Willow Creek's Big Adventure by Gary Gilley

Church? No thanks.

I Dream of Jeannie by Cullen Bentley

True Christians by William Taylor Sr.

Homosexuality on TV by Robert Wise

I'm Offended by John Lowe

Christian Leaders Betray Christ for World Peace by Paul Proctor

Open Letter to Neale Donald Walsch by Bill Randles

When the Stock Market Crashes by Paul Proctor

The Lost Tomb of Jesus

Names of Satan & Demon Spirits

Charisma’s publisher, Stephen Strang Sells Out! by Jackie Alnor

Outrage over Planned Parenthood Christmas 'gift' cards

El Diablo's "Ungodly Nation" by Rick Throne

Top Ten Instances of Christian Bashing in America, 2008

Has the Tomb of Jesus Been Found?


Pete and Repeat by John Lowe

The Number One Damnable Heresy of 2007” by Michael Gaudiosi

Pro-Sodomy Bill Sparks California Public School Exodus

Doctrine by Donnie Swaggart

Cowboy Churches See Big Growth by Ingrid Schlueter

Film Claims Jesus’ Burial Site Found

Pastoring With Both Eyes Open by Gary Gilley

College wrong to host week of 'sexploration'

Easy-Beliefism by Ray Gano

Elementary announces janitor sex-switch

Help - I'm running our of reasons to write by Paul Proctor

1.4% of Adults Homosexual?

If Obama Wins, History Will Blame the Clergy by Randall Terry

Russian Roulette by Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D.

Christian Zionists The Real Terrorists

Betrayal of Christ by Christian Leaders Continues by Paul Proctor

Revivalists by Ray Grosser

The god Entertainment by Ray Grosser

'Bisexual' teacher invites students to same-sex ceremony

America is Not Prepared for What's Coming

Purging the Memory of Our Christian Roots

Consequence of boom-years borrowing hits churches

He Rides a Black Horse by Ray Gano

Be Careful What You Buy in Christian Bookstores 

Most American Christians Do Not Believe that Satan or the Holy Spirit Exist

No Gospel at All

Open Theism by Gary Gilley

Are Christians Losing the Battle by Robert Wise

What Have You Done? by Coach Dave Daubenmire

The Rush to Relevance is the Road to Ruin

Good for Nothing Christians by Chuck Baldwin

A New Religion Masquerading as Christianity Part 2

A New Religion Masquerading as Christianity Part 1

Sick and Twisted Games for Church Youth Groups

Nothing but Crows and Methodist Preachers By Rita Juanita Mock

The Circuit Riders and the Spread of Early Methodism Ed Stephenson

Holy "knock-em-down" Preachers by John H. Wigger

Peter Cartwright America's Colorful Preacher

Peter Cartwright & President Jackson

Future of U.S. Methodists hinges on change - leaders

Aligning Psyche and Sex Methodists Meet to Evaluate Transgenderism, Starting With Baltimore Pastor

United Methodist Church Skirts Discipline with Same-Sex 'Celebrations'

Transsexual United Methodist Minister Reappointed to Lead Baltimore Church

The Labyrinth Satanic or Godly?

The Labyrinth Journey by Carl Teichrib

UMC Bishop Takes Pro-homosexual Stance

UMC Accepts Homosexuals as Members

Active Homosexual Accepted into UMC Membership

Southern Baptist Now in Decline by Paul Proctor

Are Baptist Really Better Together? by Paul Proctor

Denominations Today by David Cloud

Denominations make Doctrinal Compromises

Gay  Lutheran Pastors to Join Church Roster

Episcopal Priest Says She's Christian & Muslim

Episcopalians Supporting Homosexuality Express Frustration

Episcopal head warns Bishops withdrawing from US Church

UK Assemblies of God - A Different Movement with the Same Name  by Phillip L. Powell

Pass The Offering Plate, Take the Condom

Ten Reasons why I Cannot be a Mormon by Rev. John Hornok

Mormonism Explanation and Commentary

What Do Mormon's Think

False Prophesies of Joseph Smith

A Closer Look at the Mormon Concept of Salvation 

Points of the True Church by James White

Mormonism Christian or Cult

Mormon FAQ

Trickery & Deception of a Cult.  by James Sire

Scripture Twisting Methods of the Cults  by James Sire

Cult Myths by James Sire

What is a Cult?

How to Witness to a Muslim from

Edgar Cayce The Sleeping (False) Prophet

Christian Science - Christian or Cult?

The Church of Scientology

Is the Catholic Church Biblical?

Roman Catholic Charismatics by Bill Scudder

Wicca/Witchcraft Evil in Disguise Jesus-is-Lord .com

Potions and Charms and Spells! Oh My! by Marsha West

Freemasonry Light or Perceived Light?

Biblical Response to Jehovah Witnesses by Matt Slick

Word of Faith Movement by Gary Gilley

Seed Faith - Is it Heresy? by Steve Lumbley

The Prosperity Doctrine by D. J. Quinn

If You Bribe Them, They Will Come by Paul Proctor

Was Jesus Rich? Mike Oppenheimer

Word of Faith A Personal Experience by Joni Eareckson Tada

Faith Healers or Fake Healers by Keith Gibson

Ten Reasons to Reject Word-of-Faith Teachings Tricia Tillin

How Blatant Can it Get? by Jackie Alnor

Preaching a Celebrity Gospel by Mark H. Creech

Millionaire Ministers by Teleiosministries

Brotherly Bribes by Paul Proctor

Let Us Prey by Keith Drury

Rod Parsley's Prosperity Prayer

$88 Dollar Flight Seed Bernard Jordan

Of Faith, Fame & Fortune

Letter to TBN

Giving and the 100-Fold Return?!?!

Gospel of Wealth' Facing Scrutiny

William M. Branham False Prophesies, Heretical Teachings

Rodney Howard Browne Holy Laughter, Holy Ghost Bartender Preacher

Kim Clement Many False Prophesies

Kenneth Copeland Christians are little Gods

Paul Crouch & TBN

Creflo Dollar Gospel of Greed

Jesse Duplantis went to Heaven and helped comfort Jesus

Kenneth Hagin Grandaddy of the Prosperity/Name It and Claim It Gospel

Marilyn Hickey Prosperity Preacher

Benny Hinn WOW and more WOW

T. D. Jakes Denies Trinity

Prophet Bernard Jordan False Prophet

Daystar Television Marcus & Joni Lamb Prosperity Television Station

Joyce Meyer Prosperity and Self Help Gospel

Mike Murdock King of the Shysters

Oral Roberts Name It and Claim It

Joel Osteen King of the Self Help Guru's

Rod Parsley Prosperity Gospel

Peter Popoff More like Rip Off

Frederick K.C. Price Another Prosperity

Pat Robertson False Prophet

Robert Schuller Mr. Feelgood

Robert Tilton Puts them all to Shame

Jack Van Impe Claims Catholics are Christian just like us

Rick Warren 40 days of Nonsense

Paula White The Barbie Doll of TV Preachers

Patricia King Self appointed Prophetess and Self Help Guru

Arnold Murray False Prophecies

"Bam! Bam! Bam!" Said The False Prophet by Marsha West

The Sorcery & Trances of Todd Bentley vs Scripture by James Sundquist

Todd Bentley Separates from Wife and Lakeland by Marsha West

Todd Bentley False Revival

Todd Bentley’s Diabolical Signs by Jackie Alnor

Joel Osteen's New Church Building - Is Bigger Better?  by Robert Wise

Appraising Joel Osteen's Word Faith Teaching by Ken Silva

Joel Osteen: Smile When You Lie by Ken Silva

'Success' Happens When The World Is Your Twin

Joel Osteen Ticket Prices by Robert Wise

A Joel Osteen Blog compiled by Robert Wise

Joel Osteen's Rock Show by Robert Wise

Joel Osteen - What's Wrong With His Preaching by Cobblestone Road Ministries

Joel Osteen's Sugar Coated Gospel by Paul Proctor

Joel Osteen 60 Minute Interview

Joel Osteen: Mitt Romney and Mormons are Christians

Joel Osteen blesses Houston's new (gay) mayor

Teaching a False Positive

"Become a Better You" (Book Review)

Robert H Schuller Has No Discernment That Warnings ARE Edification To The Church

Family Spat Divides Televangelism Empire

Crystal Cathedral:  The Son had it Right, but Siblings and Others Worked Against Him, Says Source

Paula White Blames God for her Divorce by Scott W. Kay

 Paula White "Midwife of Dreams"

Tampa church directed staffers to make political contributions

Paula White - It's All About Me by Scott W. Kay

Randy & Paula White to Divorce

Randy White Without Walls Money Machine

Paula White - Unable to blush by Jackie Alnor

Dream Home Win Proves Too Good To Be True!

Rick Warren's Inquisition

“The Purpose Driven Church” – Spiritual-Cotton Candy.

Purpose Driven - Scriptural?  by Robert Wise

The Purpose Driven Hostage by Paul Proctor

A Purpose Driven Life – God’s Plan for you?  by Stuart L. Brogdon

Special Report: Rick Warren’s “Apologetics” Weekend Should Apologize for Representing “Another


Oprah Shifts to the Dark Side by Marsha West

Oprah Winfrey Denies Jesus Christ

Oprah’s unorthodox gospel comes under scrutiny

Shepherd's Chapel

Peter Popoff back at it again.

Pat Robertson, Another False Prophet  by Steve Lumbley 2004

Pat Robertson's Remarks about Sharon

Mere Christianity a Review

Chronicles of Narnia by Berit Kjos

C.S. LewisChristianLiterature or Plain Old Deception

C.S. Lewis and Evangelicals Today by Bro. David Cloud

Awakening Narnia with Bacchanalian Feasts By Berit Kjos

Is 666 A Holy Number? An email from Bishop Jordan

Will You Touch the Sacred Desk of the Prophet?

Patrica King Exposed! Angel Orbs, Gold Dust, Astral Travel, Third Heaven & Hermetics

Open Letter To Jesse Duplantis

Jesse Duplantis "At it Again" 

Haggard brings restoration process to a halt

Kenneth Copeland's Prophesy

Jack Hayford - False Teachings by Robert Wise

TBN  Share-a-Thon 2006 by Mike Gaudiosi

TBN Share-A-Thon Seed Faith or Dialing 4 Dollars By Michael C. Gaudiosi

Jose de Jesus Says he is Jesus Christ!

Pastor Raised from the Dead - Richard Bonnke by Moriel Ministries

Quotes by Emerging Church Leaders

Eternal Security by J.L. Stauffer

Once saved - Doctrine by Ceci Sullivan

Once Saved Always Saved?  by Dan Corner

Can One Lose Salvation? by Matt1618

The Eternal Security of the Believer by Dr. Harry Ironside

Do You Have Eternal Life?  Accept Jesus Today!

Audio sermons Audio messages from KISM Ministries

Daystar Television Marcus & Joni Lamb by Robert Wise

Daystar Share-a-Thon 2006 by Mike Guadiosi

BarlowGirl - Christian Music? by Robert Wise  

Madonna's Latest Crucifixion Stunt

As I Lay Dying - Christian ?

POD - Payable on Death, Christian Music? by Robert Wise

Bible Guidelines for Christian Music

Study Finds American Music Full of References to Drugs and Alcohol

Gay Christian Band - Jason and DeMarco

12 Songs That Will Help To Inspire You

Who Do You Think I Am?  by John MacArthur

A New Beginning Salvation and Life Thereafter by Robert Wise

All This in the Bible? by David Norris

The Crucifixion of Jesus by Matt Slick

Short Bible Quiz

Healing IS Part of The Atonement by Michael Gaudiosi

One Baptism by Dr. Jay Worth Allen

Who is Jesus by Matt Slick

What is Heaven Like

What is Hell?

Guidelines to Giving

What To Do About The False Teacher,  Prophet or Anti-Christ Next Door

A Study on John the Baptist

More Bible proof: Temple relics unearthed

What is Easter Sunday?

Illinois Christian Schools Told to Silence Prayers before Sporting Events

Councilman Not Allowed to Pray in the 'Name of Jesus' at City Meetings

Contraceptives in Middle School in Portland Oregon

Bible Quiz

Anger with Federal Government not Enough by Chuck Baldwin

Satan’s Agents! Vs. God’s Kings and Priests!

What's wrong with a more social Gospel?

Expanded Gambling Could Blow in to the Windy City

The President's Prayer Breakfast Catastrophe

Citizen's Occupy the Republic: Meet the Enemy Head On!

It's time for a second tax revolt

Judge Rules Against Religious Expression

True Culture comes when hearts are changed by Marsha West

High school performs 'gay' musical on Thanksgiving

Good grief! You're a 'gay' man, Charlie Brown

Charismatic Nonsense

Mockers Come A-Mocking by Jackie Alnor

Cremation - What Does God Think?

Many Churches Foregoing Jesus This Christmas

Does Evil Exist by Coach Dave Daubenmire

Slain in the Spirit, Is it Scriptural? by Robert Wise

We Have Had Enough of False Prophets by Marsha West

Beware Watchman! by Ray Gano

Seven Good Reasons Christian Should Not Drink by Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D.

Angels or Demons? by Berit Kjos

Subtleties of Satan by Robert Wise

Cross-Dressing in Local High School A sure sign of the end times. by Robert Wise

Learn to Discern Good from Evil by Marsha West

Are Hymns Becoming Precious Memories by Paul Proctor

Christ the Lord:  Out of Egypt by Ann Rice ... A false teaching for sure!

Understanding 1 Timothy 6 by Robert Wise

Spiritual Pyromaniacs by Jackie Alnor

Losing the Will to Discern by John Macarthur

The Real Danger Behind the Charismatic Movement by Mike Gaudiosi

Contemplative Spirituality - The Latest 'Christian' Craze

Casualties of Carnality by Jackie Alnor

Corrupt Counsel by the Double-Minded: The American Association of Counselors

On Tap - Have Suds With Your Buds! by Sherry Neese

Is Your Church Suffering from R & R? by Paul Proctor

Should Christian Bookstores Offer Anything From Bibles To Porn?  by Paul Proctor
John the Baptist A Lesson in Self Denial by Robert Wise

Satan is Alive and Well by Robert Wise

Today's Christianity Let Us Entertain You by Mike Gaudiosi

Christianity and Homosexuality by Matt Slick

And the Pulpits are Silent by Coach Dave Daubenmire

Does God Need Hollywood? by Paul Proctor

Heretics and Hypocrites by Paul Proctor

Is Smoking a Sin? by Cooper Abrams

The Fury is Approaching! by David J. Smith

"Zombie Rave" by Robert Wise

Church Revival - Christ's Return by Hans Stoffregen

Discerning False Prophets by J. David Hoke

Gary S Greig's Pseudo Scholarly Apologetic For The Unbiblical Antics Of Todd Bentley/others by Jacob Prasch

Prayer of Jabez Biblical Discernment Ministries

Is This Really Thanksgiving? by Paul Proctor

Naming Names Is It Biblical?

In The Name of Christianity

Evangelical Leaders Promote New Age and Eastern Spiritual Practices

Rick Warren from Tolerance to Respect by Paul Proctor

Christian Pimps by Coach Dave Daubenmire

T.D. Jakes - Larry King Interview



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Forgotten Word Ministries ...


is a non-denominational Christ based ministry which is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire world and to exposing the error in the teachings of many of the false teachers who have invaded our churches.  Founded by Reverend Robert Wise under the  calling from God and after many years of studying the different denominations and preachers who have gotten away from the true Word of God and have allowed man's selfish wants and wishes to dominate their organizations and local churches.  It is our belief that the Bible is not being preached in today's pulpits.  Preachers have turned from the true Word of God and have made a concerted effort to turn our churches and pulpits into a self centered based belief system. Churches have become mini country clubs without golf courses. Pleasing the pew sitters is what is being preached instead of pleasing the Lord. Our goal is to be an avenue to share the Gospel with anyone who wishes to hear it like it was intended to be told.  Forgotten Word Ministries website has materials that are designed to help you to understand the Word of God, identify false teachings which are designed to help you along your Christian walk.


Message from the Founder   About the Founder
Forgotten Word Ministries was brought  to life by directive of the Holy Spirit to promote the true Word of God through His Holy Scriptures.  We DO NOT hate any of the people we have listed on our site, in fact we love them all but we disagree with their teachings.  Our intention is to show you how some preachers are using the Word of God for personal gain or are just plain misled themselves, thereby misleading others who follow them and their teachings.  We do everything we can to discuss these matters with those involved but the majority refuse to discuss anything with us or with very few others.  We do pray that these persons who are either purposely misleading for personal gain or are misled themselves will see the Lord's Word for what it is, not what they wish it to be.

God Bless You, 
Pastor Wise




This website will divide it's attention between Proper Bible teachings and pointing out the false prophets and the false preachers that have risen in great numbers in the church these last 35 or so years.


False preachers are leading thousands if not millions of people in the  wrong direction and causing them to follow a Jesus that is not the Jesus of the Bible.  False preachers are getting rich off of the flock and that is certainly something that needs to be attended to.


There is a section of who these false preachers are and sad to say, the list  continues to grow.  As heartbreaking as it is to me and you, imagine how heartbreaking it is for the Lord.



Forgotten Word Ministries
302 East Main Street, Plymouth, IL 62367 

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