Jesse Duplantis - False Preacher / Teachings |
UPDATE: It seems that Kenneth Copeland isn't the only preacher the God talks to about Citation X jet planes. Jesse Duplantis now says that God told him to pray about getting a Citation X, an $18,000,000.00 jet plane that has the capacity to fly internationally. Jesse claims that he needs this plane to reach the lost in all the nations as time is short and he needs this plane to hurry things along. Amazing to me is that this is what the Lord supposedly told Kenneth Copeland. The more amazing part of it all is that it seems the Lord was so specific in His message. Not just to get a plane but to get the plane that cost so much and is so elaborate in it's furnishings. It would seem to me that for $18,000,000.00 one could fly more than a lifetime to more events than one would be capable of attending. Maybe I am wrong and I welcome all to email me and let me know as I am not a jetsetter but $18,000,000.00 is an awfully lot of money. Even at $5000.00 per trip Jesse could go on 3600 trips just to spend the $18,000,000.00. If Jesse travels for another 30 years which isn't likely, he would have to take 120 trips per year. Seems to me that the money could be spent better elsewhere. |
Jesse like the Copeland's whom he followed is a "word of Faith" preacher. Jesse lives and breathes the "name it and claim it" theology along with the "prosperity gospel" that he claims belongs to all followers of Christ. I cannot say enough about this man so I will just let his words speak for themselves. Read on. "I've never had the Lord say, 'Jesse, I think that car is a little bit too nice.' I've had vehicles and the Lord said, 'Would you please go park that at your house. Don't put that in front of my house. I don't want people to think that I'm a poor God.'" (Jesse Duplantis, "When Will We Yield To The Anointing of Wealth II," April 10, 2005)
Jesse Duplantis: "People told me, 'Well, they say,
Jesus was poor.' When was He poor? I would like to know
when He was poor. Well, He was born in a stable. Why?
Why was
He born in a stable? Because that short, deaf lady lost their
reservation. He couldn't get into the inn. Think about
that for a minute...And He had 12 full time people on His staff.
Some were married and He took care of them. He had 70 part
timers. You don't gamble for rags Marcus." "If I give $1,000 dollars I deserve to get back $100,000 because I am just, that's not greed!" (Jesse Duplantis, December 19, 2003 TBN, "The just shall live by faith.") "With fierce prayers and determination to see my mother healed, I started talking to God. "What is going on here?! I'm praying! Dad's praying! Why isn't she healed? You cannot allow death to defeat me, God. You made a covenant with me through Jesus' blood! And that covenant says by His stripes we were healed! Where is that healing? If you break this covenant with me, you'll have to cease to be God! You must keep covenant with me. You must obey your Word!" I was honest with God. He knew how I felt, so what was the point in hiding it? I was confused. I was hurt. I didn't know what else to do. That is when God spoke up, "Jesse, I have a covenant with you, yes. However, I have one with your mother as well. You are praying for her healing. She is praying in her heart for Me to take her home. Now, I will obey My Word. But you and your daddy are battling your mother's will. It is her life at stake. You have Me in a hard place, Jesse. Someone has got to give in. Get yourselves together and tell Me what I am to do! (Jesse Duplantis, "My Experience Doesn't’ Change God’s Word," Article C-Faith) Can you imagine God asking a person to tell him what to do because He is in a tight spot? - author
Read the account below of Jesse Duplantis' visit to Heaven and his
discussions with Jesus, King David, Abraham and more. The Extraordinary
Mystical Transports & Angelic Visitations to Jesse Duplantis Word
of Faith "Evangelist", by Robert S. Liichow Copyright © 1998-2000 by Rev. Robert S.
Liichow. All rights reserved In August 1988 Rev. Duplantis was preaching a revival in Magnolia Arkansas. He feels impressed to go back to his hotel room and pray about the service that evening. He notices the clock (again) it was one minute before one o’clock. He gets down on his knees and gets ready to pray then
Jesse has an out-of-body experience and finds himself in an angelic cable car with the same angel who told him to get some sleep. This time we are told why this is happening, Jesse has an appointment with the Lord God Jehovah!
We are now informed that Paradise has (1) not been destroyed, (2) paradise is a big place, and (3) paradise completely surrounds the Holy City. Not only is this without any Biblical proof, but we seem to have a dichotomy between Mrs. Baxter’s revelation in our last section and Jesse’s revelation now. Jesus personally showed Mrs. Baxter that Paradise has been taken over by Satan in hell. Yet now, a few years later we find that Paradise is now sort of the suburbs of heaven. Who are we to believe? Which is it? Is Paradise in hell or in heaven? These two nationally known charismatic teachers both claim to have had genuine experiences but their experiences in no way agree! This is a logical impossibility. Even if their accounts internally agreed with each other they are still at complete variance with the Bible, and must be discounted. Jesse begins to describe the heavenly scene. He sees children, animals, beautiful flowers, the River of life and trees lining the River of life with thousands of people standing around under the trees. Jesse notices something that again is a totally new insight regarding some sort of caste system in heaven:
Even in heaven some people will have to work to make themselves ready to stand in the presence of God. They did not live up to their fullest potential on earth, so now they have to do some more works in heaven . . .then they can face God. The work of Christ is not enough, it obviously is not a finished work, we still have to do our part to make ourselves ready to face God. Hebrews 9:12 tells us that the work Jesus Christ did on the cross obtained for us an eternal redemption. Yet it appears, according to Duplantis, we still have to work on becoming perfected even in heaven.
Duplantis does not explain what it takes to "live close to God" but it obviously involves some type of work(s) on our part. I have no problem with the fact that one can live a dynamic Christian life or a mediocre one on earth. I have no problem with one teaching that people will receive varying degrees of reward from the Master at the Judgment Seat of Christ. I have an extreme problem with people having to do some form of works in order to merit an audience with God! This insight is a lie because it directly contradicts Biblical teaching.
With nothing more than a quick glance through the New Testament anyone can see that the one who has placed their trust in the work of Christ (as opposed to their own works which can never save or justify) are declared to be righteous (2 Cor. 5:17-21). We are exhorted to draw near with confidence (paresis, Greek NAS 3954; from Greek 3956 (pas) and rhesis (speech); freedom of speech, confidence, boldness, boldness of speech, confidently, openly) . Why then does this change in heaven? Why does one have the eat fruit and smell leaves in (works) in order to approach the throne of our God? The blood of Christ has perfected us in God the Father’s eyes. However, Jesse’s experience gives us what really takes place in heaven.
It appears that Jesse himself at this point has not been living as close to God as he should have been, even though God appeared to him, he’s seen angels, and been teleported to Lafayette, and now is in heaven, he still needs to eat some angelic fruit so he can withstand the glory of God! After eating the fruit the angel asks if he is thirsty, he is, and lo and behold, father Abraham is close by and he comes with a golden goblet to give Jesse a drink. This wise looking fellow comes over and Jesse asks him who he is. Here is the response:
After his drink he and the angel keep heading towards his divine appointment with Jehovah God. Then all of the sudden he hears children singing and praising God. What’s more they were carrying little harps (I kid you not). After this insight Jesse and the angel continue their journey to meet Jehovah God. At this point in the story Jesse is given further insight into heavens works system:
Like my grandfather used to say "close but no cigar." Obviously these folks had made some progress in their sanctification but still they had to turn back to eating the fruit and smelling the leaves.
Now we know that Jesus is probably just a tad under six feet tall, that He has light brown hair and that He especially wants Jesse Duplantis to tell the Church He is coming. Again, the Bible is not enough, the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy is not enough, we need people to take special trips to heaven and come back to tell us Jesus is coming back for us. Jesus tells Jesse that He wants him to meet another king, king David. David we learn has a red beard and reddish hair. "Jesus said, "Jesse, I want you to meet the king of Israel." The Lord said, "Take Jesse to his home. Show him what I have prepared for him. Then bring him to My Throne. I must go." David begins to take Jesse to see his heavenly mansion. On the way they go into another home and Jesse meets the Apostle Paul. Of all the questions he could have asked Paul here is what he comes up with:
That must have been sweet music indeed to the ears of a Word of Faith teacher like Rev. Duplantis, Paul kept his focus on faith, that is how you get things done! Isn't that interesting? All this time I thought Paul had said he kept his eyes focused on knowing Christ (Phil 3:10-13). Now we see that really Paul kept focused on faith, and that it is by the power of faith that things get done! Well the angel has to move Jesse along, he still has an appointment at the Throne of God. However, King David tags along with them to fellowship with Jesse. What Rev. Duplantis shares next is extreme heresy, King David is speaking -
There we have it! David allowed God and the anointing to come through on Psalm 23. Some of the other psalms in the Bible, I guess we cannot be so sure about. Like a good "faith man" David wished he had written more about the answer than the problem. David wished he had allowed more of the answer, i.e. God and the anointing, to come through instead of complaining. I really do not think that Rev. Duplantis has thought through the ramifications of his alleged encounter with King David and David’s comments. David’s comments imply that what he wrote was not equally inspired. Some psalms he yielded to God and the anointing (as though they are separate from one another) and others, he did not yield as much.
Then after this astounding revelation David takes Jesse into his home where here we learn that in heaven "all desires are met here. Everything has been thought of - all your desires and some that you could not even think of."
Jesse still needs to eat the sanctifying fruit even though he has made it up to the very Throne of God. Like Moses he just got to see part of God’s body, and not His face. Yet all-in-all even getting to see the feet of Jehovah is more than any of the rest of us have seen! Also we get the extra-Biblical insight about some type of wall around the Throne, I guess some sort of restraining wall to keep Him from being mobbed by adoring family members.
I am reminded about the refrain from an old gospel blues song "when the Lord gets ready, you’ve got to move." That angel must certainly have that as a revelation after getting splattered against the wall. During this time Jesus comes out of the glory of the Father and begins to preach to the assembled crowds "He was a preacher full of victory, shouting and hollering!" Jesse enjoys the sermon and asks the angel where’s the Holy Spirit?" He is on the earth He said." Then he remembers this fact and feels "stupid" for asking such a "dumb question" at the Throne of God. So now we know that as of 1996 the Holy Spirit is not in heaven He is on earth. Now Jesse will admit that God is Three in One, but obviously the One God is somehow separated spatially. In any event, the Holy Spirit is not in heaven.
Mrs. Baxter saw baby cherubim flying around the Throne of God kissing his face, feet, and hands while singing holy, holy, holy. Rev. Duplantis does not see these baby cherubim instead he see’s some type of proto-babies who want to become spirits. What is more these proto-spirit-babies ask to be sent to earth and they ask to be redeemed persons. Who makes the determination to become a redeemed person? Obviously we did in our proto-spirit condition when we, in eternity past, flew around the Throne of God in our little nightgowns! What utter drivel and heresy! There is not one shred of Scriptural evidence to even remotely infer this type of theology. In fact, like with everything else Mr. Duplantis sees, the Bible refutes it thoroughly -
I cannot take time to go into the doctrine of election. Yet the Scriptures are plain that it is always God who does the electing, not man! If we take Mr. Duplantis Throne room vision at face value then are we to assume that some babies want to be damned? After all, some ask to be redeemed people, do others ask to be allowed to be damned people? Even Jesse would admit that not everybody is saved, he does believe some folks do go to hell. So if what he saw is true, then those in hell made this choice before they ever came to earth. It is hard to imagine a preacher of the Gospel would write such things, and expect the reader to accept it as truth. Before Jesse is sent back home to planet earth Jesus explains how He is dreading the day when He has to send some of the creation He loves to hell. "I wanted to reach out and comfort Him, so I put my hand on the Lord. . .I could tell that Jesus was hurting." Can you imagine? The One who upholds and sustains all things by His power (Heb. 1:3) feels sad and is hurting and Jesse tries to comfort the Lord God Almighty as best he can. In these closing discourses with Jesus Jesse comes to believe "we can delay His coming by waiting for a sign before we act on His Word . . ." Through this supernatural gnosis, we learn that people choose their eternal destiny as proto-babies and we also can delay the return of Christ by our actions or inactions. Earl Paulk must be correct then when he teaches that it is up the Church as to when Jesus returns. Jesse continues to humanize God by saying
Jesus Christ needs Jesse Duplantis! I do not doubt that the Lord Jesus love Jesse Duplantis, I love him too, but I doubt He "needs" Jesse. If you, me or Jesse dies tomorrow God’s plan will roll on without as much as a hitch. Jesse returns to his body and walks up to the front of the church. "Look at Brother Jesse. He’s shining." There was a light on my face. I had been in the presence of the glory of God." So, like Moses, Jesse Duplantis` face shines with the very presence of God. "I didn’t even preach that night. I didn’t say anything, but people began falling under the power of God’s Spirit! There was ministry throughout the auditorium without me saying any more." What is the result of this trip to heaven? Mr. Duplantis gets to church but does not even preach the gospel. Instead something even greater transpires, people begin to fall under the power of God’s Spirit. We are not told if anybody came to faith in Christ at the service, nor are we informed if anybody rededicates themselves to serving Christ. All we know, according to Mr. Duplantis, is that people see his face shining and fall into unconsciousness. As with Roland Buck and Mrs. Baxter I must denounce Heaven, A Close Encounter of the God Kind as a work of fiction masquerading as fact. None of the three people’s visions and experiences I have examined remotely resemble what is revealed in the Bible. In fact, all of them contradict Biblical teaching and doctrine. Out of Christian charity
I am willing to grant that brother Duplantis had some type of experience
but it was not of the "God kind."
This leaves me with one of two possibilities, either his experience is
demonically inspired or is the result of his overactive imagination. His
concept of the doctrine of God, the inerrancy of Scripture, and
salvation are aberrant according to what he relayed in his vision.
So folks there you have it.
The plain truth about Jesse Duplantis. If you read
these documented statements and still believe that Jesse
Duplantis is a true Preacher of the unadulterated Word of
God, then I pray for you. If you now understand that
he has been deceiving people with all this nonsense and
heresy, then pray for him and please tell others about what
you have read. The world needs you to tell them the
truth. |