Jesse Duplantis - False Preacher
First off I want to mention that I have never heard such outrageous
stories from anyone like I have heard from Jesse Duplantis. You
will be amazed at what this man expects good God fearing people to
believe and the sad part is.... more
Preaching a False Positive
In the 2004 Charisma article, -it stated, “With his father
sick in the hospital, John asks his son, Joel, to preach for him that
Sunday. Initially Joel balked at the idea and said “no.” He then
relented and here are Joel’s own words concerning his preaching that
day: I just got up there and told stories. I was so glad when
it was...more
understandable that free-market conservatives are deeply troubled that
Barack Obama has taken
the reins of power. Already we see America moving even closer to
socialism than before. But to me what’s even more troubling than
what’s going on in Washington D.C. is the clear and present danger in
Christendom. Let me spell out the problem as I see it: A-p-o-s-t-a-s-y.
Some Christian news blogs and high-profile leaders overlook the truth
I heard that Jan Crouch died of a massive stroke, to be quite honest, I
was not saddened by the news. Why? Well, for one thing Jan and her
deceased husband Paul promoted the worst sort of heresy
imaginable: Word of Faith. But you wouldn't find that out by reading the Christian Post's puff piece.
Janice Crouch was a controversial figure to be sure. But inquiring
minds learned nothing about that from CP. Certainly part of the reason
for the controversy was the ...more
TBN Share-A-Thon 2006
I am not talking about planting seeds in a literal outdoor garden,
rather it’s time to sow a seed in the form of a financial donation to,
what some would call, the one and only means of the Gospel being
preached to the entire world, that is the great Trinity
Broadcasting Network (TBN for short). During the week of April 17th TBN held the first of two annual fundraisers they call ...more
Where has the Word of God Gone?
suppose the better way of saying this would be; Where has the Word of
God been left? It has been left in the Bible, hidden away beneath
the different ideals of men and women who claim to know a better way of
getting to know God and a better way of releasing God's ... more
Open Letter to Jesse Duplantis
Since much
preaching today focuses on prosperity, which is a good thing, many of
today's preachers/teachers are saying that because Jesus was rich- it's
alright for us to be rich. Justifying our pursuit of prosperity does not
require this kind of prerequisite. We are free to pursue the good life, as Jesus came ... more
Why are some preachers considered to be false teachers?
The easiest and shortest answer is, they do not teach the True and Complete Word of God!
That's the short of it but more explanation is certainly due. The
Bible warned us about false prophets and false teachers in Matthew 7:15
where Jesus said ... more
El Diablo's Ungodly Nation
every family is living on borrowed credit. There’s no sound financial
foundation in case of an emergency for most Americans. Our educational
system teaches half-truths. Why doesn’t our text books reflect the
genocide of the American Indian? Why doesn’t our text books speak of
the horrible way the blacks were treated in this country? Why doesn’t
the public schools teach about ... more
Paul Crouch /
TBN Ministry
I would question why they claim to be "Reaching the World with Faith"
instead of "Reaching the World for Jesus". Faith comes in many
different packages including Satanism which ... more
Mike Murdock - Critique
Murdock is one of these preachers who can stand in front of virtually
anyone and preach about getting rich and never blink an eye. He has no
shame when ... more