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Some Christian news blogs and high-profile leaders overlook the truth
Marsha West When I heard that Jan Crouch died of a massive stroke, to be quite honest, I was not saddened by the news. Why? Well, for one thing Jan and her deceased husband Paul promoted the worst sort of heresy imaginable: Word of Faith. But you wouldn't find that out by reading the Christian Post's puff piece. Janice Crouch was a controversial figure to be sure. But inquiring minds learned nothing about that from CP. Certainly part of the reason for the
controversy was the colossal pink-tinged "cotton candy" wigs, heavy make-up, and the lavish lifestyle she and husband Paul enjoyed. But there were many other reasons the Crouches were controversial. So let's take a quick look at their history. The New York Times published an exposé of the Crouches' financial tricks last year. It tells you volumes about how the darling duo spent all that revenue from donations, TV rights, and investments. More: [F]ormer TBN employees also said that dozens of staff members, including Ms. Koper, chauffeurs, sound engineers and others had been ordained as ministers by TBN. This, she said, allowed the network to avoid paying Social Security taxes on their salaries and made it easier to justify providing family members with rent-free houses, sometimes called "parsonages." (Source) The above is just a tidbit of information that can be gleaned from a Google search. But nothing like this was mentioned in CP's report, even though the controversy still rages. Also not mentioned in the puff piece is the fact that because of TBN, Faith teaching has become one of this era's greatest threats to authentic Christianity. Kenneth Copeland: "The force of faith is in the spiritual realm a great deal like certain forces in the natural realm. It is a spiritual force, like gravity is a natural force, and electricity is a natural force of power." Does the Bible teach that faith is a force? No! Yet the Crouches fail to challenge Copeland on his dangerous teaching. In fact, Paul Crouch once looked into the camera and said in his friend's defense, "If you want to criticize Ken Copeland for his preaching on faith, or Dad Hagin get out of my life! I don't even want to talk to you or hear you. I don't want to see your ugly face. Get out of my face, in Jesus' name." Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. (Mat 7:15-17) Paul and Jan Crouch produced rotten fruit! What did Jesus say would happen to diseased trees? (Mat 7:18, 19) Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits. (Mat 7:19, 20) Trouble In Paradise Jan died with 14 lawsuits pending against her whistle-blower granddaughter, Brittany Crouch Koper, costing TBN donors multiple millions of dollars. Alnor concludes: Paul & Jan Crouch's legacy must not go down in history all white-washed and controlled by million $ lawyers. The truth is ugly but must be told – if the LORD tarries, it must be known from here on that TBN was/is the biggest carrier of apostasy in all of church history. (Read Jackie's full report here) Why did the reporter neglect to inform readers about legitimate lawsuits? Moreover, why would a Christian publication fail to mention that the Crouches were often criticized, and rightly so, for being the "biggest carrier of apostasy in all of church history"? "Praise to God for this man of faith," tweeted Lucado, bestselling author and writer and preacher at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. Crouch "has passed into eternal joy," he said. "þWe celebrate Dr. Paul Crouch's good & faithful work on earth. May we all leave such a legacy for the Kingdom," wrote Creflo Dollar, founder and senior pastor of World Changers Church International, on Twitter. On this day of his glorious home-going, please reflect upon the tremendous impact of this man's extraordinary life," reads a tweet by Pastor Hinn from Benny Hinn Ministries. (Source) A glowing tribute by Christian Post – for a ravenous wolf! Heresies always result from the wiles of the devil, the efforts of the principalities and powers. Are your eyes open to it? Do you realize the relevance of all this to you as a member of the Christian Church? Are you being carried away by this loose, general, sentimental talk? God forbid that any of us should ever say that it matters not what you believe as long as you are a Christian. May God open our eyes, and having given us to see the truth, then enable us "to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might." "Take unto you the whole
armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (H/T Glenn Chatfield) Helpful Resources:
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