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Forgotten Word Ministries is a non-denominational Christ based ministry which is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire world and to exposing the error in the teachings of many of the false teachers who have invaded our churches.  Founded by Reverend Robert Wise under the  calling from God and after many years of studying the different denominations and preachers who have gotten away from the true word of God and have allowed man's selfish wants and wishes to dominate their organizations and local churches.  It is our belief that the Bible is not being preached in today's pulpits.  Preachers have turned from the true Word of God and have made a concerted effort to turn our churches and pulpits into a self centered based belief system. Churches have become mini country clubs without golf courses. Pleasing the pews is what is being preached instead of pleasing the Lord. When was the last time you heard a true altar call (for something besides personal gain) in your local church?  Altar calls are a thing of the past in most of the churches today.  Sad but true!  Our goal is to be an avenue to share the Gospel with anyone who wishes to hear it like it was intended to be told.  Forgotten Word Ministries offers free literature, teaching tapes and a Bible to anyone who might request it.  These materials are designed to help you to understand the Word of God, find a church home and help you along your Christian walk.


Message from the Founder   About the Founder
Forgotten Word Ministries was brought  to life by directive of the Holy Spirit to promote the true Word of God through His Holy Scriptures.  We DO NOT hate any of the people we have listed on our site, in fact we love them all but we disagree with their teachings.  Our intention is to show you how some preachers are using the Word of God for personal gain or are just plain misled themselves, thereby misleading others who follow them and their teachings.  We do everything we can to discuss these matters with those involved but the majority refuse to discuss anything with us or with very few others.  We do pray that these persons who are either purposely misleading for personal gain or are misled themselves will see the Lord's Word for what it is, not what they wish it to be.

God Bless You,
Pastor Wise

 eMail: pastorwise@adams.net                         Ph: 217-617-8172