I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast
which was full of names of blasphemy,
having seven heads and ten horns.
The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet,
and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls,
having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations
and the filthiness of her fornication.
— Revelation 17:3b-4
The sleeping giant in Rome has awakened. She has been in hibernation for the past 400 years, but it appears she is making a come-back – her final curtain is at hand. She is making herself ready.
She has no patience for any whom oppose her authority – she cannot be questioned while she sits as a queen in her temple in the Eternal City. She claims she holds the keys to the kingdom and whatever she decrees, the God in Heaven must endorse, be it right or wrong. After all, she rules over the kings of the Earth in His stead and has the assistance of the Queen of Heaven.
The Fourth Lateran Council declares: “The Roman Church, as the mother and mistress of all the faithful, by the will of Christ holds primacy of jurisdiction over all other Churches.” This is quoted in an ‘Encyclical Letter’ of Pope Leo XIII on ‘The Unity of the Church’ he wrote in 1896. In this letter he refers to the Catholic Church in the feminine gender and declared that she is to ‘rule the nations.’ He concluded:
“Let such as these take counsel with themselves, and realize that they can in no way be counted among the children of God, unless they take Christ Jesus as their Brother, and at the same time the Church as their Mother.”
Her priests have the power to call Christ down from Heaven upon the altars of their magnificent cathedrals, transforming mere pieces of round ....
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