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Mike Murdock Critique
Mike Murdock is one of these preachers who can stand in front of virtually anyone and preach about getting rich and never blink an eye. He has no shame when it comes to asking for money and promising you will get it back 30, 60, 100 fold. He continues to amaze me ye .... more Special Report - Apostasy Watch Avanzini, and Mike Murdock Plus a whole bunch more that you’ve probably never heard of. Now I’m not sure when these special guests are going to be able to speak because ... more Kenneth Copeland's Prophesy Hinn says the lord has a word for you today. Copeland thanks Hinn for ... in 2004. In turn, Copeland responds by reading his ... more Kenneth Copeland - False Preacher And you're not a failure till you say you're one." (Ken Copeland, Audio-Clip "Christianity ... the sin." (Ken Copeland, "The Power of ... more The Tall Tales of Joyce Meyer Kenneth Copeland’s magazine, The Believer’s ... will lead to is what Ken Copeland teaches, that Jesus had to be ... did not reject what Ken Copeland teaches. She simply told me ... more Charismatic Nonsense Nonsense - Paula White, Osteen, etc. Home ... Rodney Howard Browne, Kenneth Copeland, Peter Marshall, John Arnott ... Howard Browne, Peter Marshall, John ... more Prosperity Doctrine And our bills are paid"? (1) Evidently Copeland would have us name ... has the power. What Copeland and the others do ... 1996, p. 8) ...more Jesse Duplantis - False Preacher April 30, 2006 UPDATE: It seems that Kenneth Copeland isn't the ... Lord supposedly told Kenneth Copeland. The more amazing part ... more Who Wants to be a God? Boldness of Faith, Kenneth Copeland Publications, 1995, p. 13 ... not surprising that Kenneth Copeland would publish Lakes statements ... a god (as Kenneth Copeland and the Mormons say ... more Gospel of Wealth' Facing Scrutiny Pentecostal and charismatic churches. Oral Roberts and Kenneth Hagin and later, Kenneth Copeland trained tens of thousands ... more Giving and the 100 Fold Return Joyce Meyers, Kenneth Copeland, Frederick Price, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson and any ... back to Him (let's say via Kenneth Copeland). According to the formula, God is required to ... more Was Jesus Rich? Godliness means more blessing = money. Kenneth Copeland writes, "Do you want a hundredfold ... is why Creflo Dollar and Kenneth Copeland can lead the congregation in a ... more TBN and Paul Crouch on Forgotten Word Ministries Ken Copeland for his preaching on faith, or Dad Hagin. ... the Preachers Paul & Jan Crouch promote are Kenneth Copeland , Jesse Duplantis , Benny Hinn , Mike Murdock , Howard Rodney . more "Bam" "Bam" said the False Prophet by Marsha West Copeland gets in on the act and comes close to mussing his hair: Watch the mindless mind . In Galatians 5:22-25 Paul describes the "fruit of the spirit" and how to live a Spirit- ... more “SOAKING” by Todd Tomasella Copeland's church, then TBN and the rest is history. Browne says this much Chaos must be from the holy ghost. This is clearly double-talk . The Holy Ghost of the bible does not ... more Jack Hayford - False Teachings Faith" preachers like Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, etc. Jack also is the pastor of the Church on the Way in California and is the pastor to Paul and Jan Crouch of ... more Learn to Discern Good from Evil by Marsha West Christians are little ‘gods’; Gloria Copeland, who claims that Christians can control the weather; and Benny Hinn, who believes that it is as easy to receive healing as it is ... more Daystar TV Marcus and Joni Lamb on Forgotten Word Ministries Copeland is today's leader in the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it teachings. And on and on. Read below some of the comments made by Marcus Lamb and his guest during the ... more A critique of Rodney Howard Browne on Forgotten Word Ministries June 1994, and Kenneth Copeland's church in August 1994. Rodney Howard-Browne claims to be the "Holy Ghost bar-tender", the man through whom God has been bringing an end-time ... more Kenneth E. Hagin on Forgotten Word Ministries Kenneth Hagin was a Word of Faith preacher. He claimed to be a prophet called by God Himself. Kenneth believed in the following beliefs: Christians are little gods. Jesus didn't pay for our sins on the cross and he had to finish the job of atonement in hell. If Christians are ... more No Gospel at All by Coach Dave Daubenmire Osteen, Hybels, and Copeland. Their preaching has led to AIDS taskforces, global warming, socialism, and Obama. My thoughts go to a brief lunch I had a few years ago with a South .. more Forgotten Word Ministries Word Faith teachers: Ken Copeland, John Avanzini, Jesse Duplantis, and Joyce Meyer. Article from the Houston Chronicle March 2, 2003 Also see Profit in ... more Satan's Subtleties Against Today's Church We are Gods". (see Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch ). We are not a church of division What we are talking about here is the idea that churches must make it a part of the ... more BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU BUY IN CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORES by Marsha West Here is a partial list of other word-faith apostates: Kenneth Hagin, Charles Capps, Oral Roberts, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Paul and Jan Crouch, John Hagee, Rod Parsley, Todd ... more Pastor Raised from the Dead - Richard Bonnke A Rheinhard Bonnke video being sold for a minimum donation of $35 is being promoted in which the account of a Nigerian hyper Pentecostal pastor, Daniel Ekechukwu ("Eku"), being raised from the dead at a Bonnke meeting in Nigeria is portrayed complete with a medical testimony and mortuary testimony. The episode is being trumpeted by Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, and as ... more Benny Hinn - False Preacher Bible, where this ancient heresy was revived on page 55. Hinn ht the same heresy as Hagin and Copeland, that when Jesus died on the cross He sank into hell and took upon him the ... more Where has the Word of God Gone To? Kenneth & Gloria Copeland , Morris Cerullo, Jesse Duplantis , Fred Price , Rodney Browne , Rod Parsons, Benny Hinn, Paul & Jan Crouch, TBN , Daystar, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson ... more Joni Eareckson Tada - A Personal Experience Kenneth Copeland or Kenneth Hagin or Benny Hinn - they've never called me and asked me to come on their program. I had read some portions of Scripture that seemed to indicate that ... more Some Christian news blogs and high-profile leaders overlook the truth Joseph Chambers wrote a piece entitled "The Confused World of Paul and Jan Crouch" and provides the transcript of a chat Kenneth Copeland had with the Crouches where he lays out the force of ... more Preaching a False Positive with a Smile Joel’s father, John Osteen, was into the word faith teaching of Kenneth Hagin and Kenneth Copeland. In late 1998-99 he became sick. The church that was also ... more Silver and Gold, Have I Quite a Large Sum Some years ago I was admonished by one of the wealthiest men in my city, a retired CEO of a huge multi-national company, with the following words, "It is the responsibility of guys like you to tell guys like me what God expects of us, lest we not be ready to stand before Him one day." It seemed, ... more Heresy Sayings Joel Osteen Joins Ranks of Modern Day Prophets
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