![]() We believe in one God who is eternal in His existence, Triune in His manifestation, being both Father, Son and Holy Ghost AND that He is Sovereign and Absolute in His authority. We believe in the Father who is God Himself, Creator of the universe. (Gen 1:1; John 1:1) We believe that Jesus is the Son of God. (Col 2:9) He suffered, died, was buried, and rose from the dead for our total salvation (Luke 3:21-22; Philippians 2:5-11). We believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him (John 3:36; John 3:31-32; John 14:6). We believe in the Holy Spirit who is God indwelling, empowering and regenerating the believer. This Holy Spirit is called the Comforter. The Spirit of Truth (John 14:17, 14:26) (emphasis mine) So, given his background and his lack of clarification on this matter when asked by Christian leaders, there is justification to label him as a non-Trinitarian until he explains otherwise. The
doctrine of the Trinity is essential to our faith, without it there is no
faith. If a person denies the Trinity they are in fact non-Christian
by this very belief. This is not a trivial matter, why will he not
be clear and define the terms rather than mislead by his of semantics?
If he believes that the Trinity as defined in the Athanasian Creed is not
scriptural, why not just say so publicly?
T. D. Jakes denies the essential Christian doctrine of the Trinity.
His view is one God playing three different roles or manifestations.
He believes in a god that appears in three different "manifestations."
Let me quote him, "...One
God, but manifest in...three different ways, Father in creation, Son in
redemption, Holy Spirit in regeneration."
Like one man who is a pastor, father, and husband, this view is called
modalism and it is heresy.
T. D. Jakes: ![]() "God--There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three Manifestations: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
My first question would be, the Trinity would be defined as one God Who's
revealed Himself in three distinct Persons, each co-equal and co-eternal.
How important is it for the believing Christian to hold to this belief?
T. D. Jakes:
I think
it's very, very significant that we first of all study the Trinity apart
from salvation, and first of all that we embrace Christ and come to Him
and come to know Who He is. Having come to know Who He is, then we
begin to deal with the Trinity, which I believe is a very complex issue.
The Trinity, the term Trinity, is not a biblical term, to begin with.
It's a theological description for something that is so beyond human
comprehension that I'm not sure that we can totally hold God to a
numerical system. The Lord said, "Behold, O Israel, the Lord thy God
is one, and beside Him there is no other." When God got ready to make a
man that looked like Him, He didn't make three. He made one man.
However, that one man had three parts. He was body, soul and spirit.
We have one God, but He is Father in creation, Son in redemption, and Holy
Spirit in regeneration. It's very important that we understand that,
but I think that the first thing that every believer needs to do is to
approach God by faith, and then having approached Him by faith, then they
need to sit up under good teaching so that they can begin to understand
who the God is that they have believed upon."
("Living by the Word" on KKLA, hosted by John Coleman, Aug. 23, 1998)
Coordinator of Research Sam Wall spoke over the telephone with Pastor
Lawrence Robinson, Director of Ministry Affairs at the Potter's House,
inquiring about their view of the Trinity. Robinson affirmed that
Jakes denies the biblical position of the Trinity, at one point saying
that the Roman Catholic Church introduced the concept of three gods.
Robinson gave some modalistic illustrations of the Trinity and said that
Jakes has always held this position. Twice after that, Wall e-mailed
Pastor Robinson to confirm the content of their discussion. Robinson
never responded. Wall noted in his e-mail, "Should I not hear from
you by e-mail, I will assume that these statements
by you are correct." (The
Man, His Ministry, And His Movement: Concerns About The Teachings Of T. D.
Warren Smith: "T.D.
Jakes is very popular in the evangelical world, and some people say he
denies the doctrine of the Trinity."
Norman Geisler: "That's
correct. He does. It's an old, old heresy in the Christian
church called modalism. I know T.D. Jakes is very popular, and I
know people don't like his ministry being called a cult, but it is.
It would have been condemned by any orthodox church down through the
Warren Smith: "What does it say about the evangelical church that these
heretical teachings have been allowed to creep in so readily, and even
when they are identified as extra-biblical, or cultic, a lot of
evangelicals just wink?"
Norman Geisler: "It says the evangelical church in America
is about 3,000 mile wide and an inch deep.
Doctrinally, we
are very shallow. In North Carolina we are in what is called the
Bible Belt, but our problem is that we don't have enough Bible under our
We have enough religion to makes us susceptible, but not enough doctrine
to make us discerning. You can't recognize error until you can
recognize the truth.
I'm told that when government
experts want to train people to recognize counterfeit currency, they study
genuine currency. The same is true with doctrine."
Minutes With Norman Geisler" World Newspaper Publishing)
Jake's letter completely fails to answer charges that he denies the
doctrine of the Trinity.
Everything he says could be affirmed by any good leader of the (Oneness,
vehemently anti-Trinitarian) United Pentecostal Church, for although he
distinguishes the Son from the Father, he does so only by distinguishing
the human Son from the divine Father—the classic United Pentecostal
belief, as documented in my book "Jesus Only" Churches (Zondervan, 1997)
and defended in many UPC publications, such as David Bernard's The Oneness
of God. Until he
clearly affirms that Father, Son, and Spirit are eternally distinct
Persons, not merely that they are "three" and "one"—never defining his
terms—he should be considered anti-Trinitarian and by no means welcomed to
preach in Christian circles." (E.
Calvin Beisner, Author of God in Three Persons (Tyndale House, 1984) and
"Jesus Only" Churches (Zondervan, 1997). Associate Professor of
Interdisciplinary Studies Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia)
his rebuttal Jakes never affirms an ontological Trinity but only an
economic one.
He speaks of different functions the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit perform,
but then he clarifies that he does not believe in three Gods, by which it
is fairly clear he means Persons.
Even the illustration of H20
taking the forms of ice, water, and steam says nothing about three
persons, only three manifestations, and is in fact a common illustration
used by modalists to explain their view. The key tip-off that Jakes
is a dyed-in-the-wool modalist is his unwavering insistence — both before
our article was published and even in response to our article — on using
the word manifestations rather than persons in regard to the Trinity.
Sabellius consistently avoided the use of the term “persons” (Greek:
hypostasis) in favor of the term “manifestations.”...Actually, all of the
passages Jakes cites that use the term “manifestation” refer to the
Incarnation of Christ (the “manifestation” of the Second Person of the
Trinity in human form), except 1 Corinthians 12:7, which speaks of the
“manifestation” of the Spirit; that is, the charismatic gifts. None of
them are concerned with the doctrine of the Trinity per se, and therefore
they do not use the word “manifestations” in the way that Jakes and
Oneness teachers use it. In light of all this, it is hard to believe
Jakes when he says that the language in his ministry’s doctrinal statement
does not derive from modalism.
If in fact he believes in the
orthodox doctrine of the Trinity, then he can clear this controversy up
and satisfy all Trinitarians by simply affirming in his doctrinal
statement and in all of his ministry’s teachings that not only does he
believe in the Trinity, but he also believes the Trinity comprises three
eternally distinct Persons, who together are the one and only Almighty God.
If he cannot bring himself
to do that and yet still insists that he holds to the Trinity, then
evangelicals should understand that it is he, and not his critics, who
uses clever semantics to obfuscate the truth."
(Elliot Miller, "T. D. Jakes Responds to The Journal")
argue with people about foolishness. Don't argue about the
Godhead--the Bible says it's a mystery. If it's a mystery that means
it's a supernatural thing and everybody who thinks they understand
it--really don't. It's impossible to explain how one God can be
three persons and three persons be one God. And you're gonna blow
your computer and short circuit your p.c. trying to explain something that
you don't even understand. You can't even explain how a brown cow
eats green grass and produces white milk. So you know you can't
explain God. So just shut up arguing about it and say it's a
All we know is that He's Father in creation, Son in
redemption, and Holy Ghost in regeneration and it's all good." (T.
D. Jakes, "Bible Answer Man Show," Hank Hanegraaff, Audio-Clip, June 3,
2005) Note:
T. D. Jakes says it's foolishness to argue about the Godhead! So
when a Jehovah's Witness tells you that Jesus is not God we should just be
silent and accept them? He tells us to shut up about it? This
is outrageous! After telling us to "Shut up about it" T. D. Jakes
goes on to "Explain" the Godhead using a oneness (Modalism) definition.
"And God said, 'Let
us. Let usssssss...'"
says Jakes, and then digresses: "...One
God, but manifest in...three different ways, Father in creation, Son in
redemption, Holy Spirit in regeneration."
you need a supernatural thing to occur from God I dare you to give
tonight. There's an anointing I believe, there's going to be a
supernatural anointing through the word of God. Somebody just give
God any kind of praise you got right now! Many people do not
understand if you're going to receive something from the Lord you have to
be prepared to invest something! So many times people want things
out of life without any kind of investment! You can't in the
natural, in a stock market you can't get a return on a stock where you
have not bought shares. If there's no investment you have no right
to wait at the mailbox for a return where you have not made any
brothers and sisters the power of life and death is in the tongue.
You can have whatever you say."
gotta speak to stuff or it won't change. Are you following what I'm
what you say to yourself that gets you healed. If you say that you
won't be healed you won't be healed. If you say that you are broke
you will stay broke. Oh! But I came to serve notice on the
Devil. The Bible says, 'The power of life and death is in the
tongue. Slap somebody and say, 'You better speak to yourself.'"
you know that the Bible says, 'You shall have whatever you say.'
Now, don't you say that if you don't want no increase. If all you
want is what you had don't say that anymore. But, if you want
something beyond what you have ever seen, shout increase! The power
of life and death is in your tongue. When you open your mouth you
release power all over the room! Shout increase!"
want the privilege of praying over your seed. I want to pray over
your seed and it would be ridiculous for me to pray that God to give it
back to you. Because if all He was going to do was give it back to
you, you ought to keep it and then you would just have it. That's
ridiculous! You got a $100 or a $1,000 and you're gonna give a
$1,000 and I tell you God is going to give $1,000 back. Well, you
just broke even! You could have kept that $1,000 and not gone
through the trouble! Come on church folk! But God is going to
give you some more on top of that. And as you sow it [a person
shouts, 'Increase!'] I dare you to say it again, [The audience shouts,
'Increase!']. Oh My God! Woo, we're about to get ours in here.
I don't know what you're getting out there. Well, we're about,
somebody shout, 'Increase!'"
want to challenge you to sow and come into agreement with me. I
believe you don't have to go for it, you can sow for it! And God
will bring it to pass in your life. I want you to write me, put in
your prayer request and sow a special seed. Believe God for
supernatural resurrection harvest in your life!"
am excited! I have been claiming Genesis 26:12. It is
powerful! It is life changing! Talks about Isaac sowing a seed
and receiving a 100 fold return in that same year. I believe that as
you sow God is going to give you a supernatural harvest in your life! I
believe it will be at least a 100 fold! Some of you are going to
break into that next dimension of 1,000 times more that I've been teaching
around the country. I want you to partner with me so that you can
get into this flow...Now write me and let me agree with you in prayer over
your seed. As we harvest in this same year 100 fold, a 1,000 times
more than expected!"
you sow seeds into this kind of anointing it releases the power of God
that you can harvest. And I want you to get this scripture and read
it and believe God with me Genesis 26:12. As we sow, I believe that
we're going to experience a resurrection...Genesis 26:12, it says, 'Then
Isaac sowed in that land and received in that same year a 100 fold and the
Lord blessed him.' This year is your year to receive. You need
to sow it and receive it in this year. This is your year of destiny."
told those gathered that they have to go and claim the inheritance that
God has promised them and know that it's theirs. And then he
addressed critics who fault him for profiting from "selling religion."
'You can't get upset with me, because I choose to claim what God has
promised me,' he said. 'Don't get upset with me! Don't hate
the player; hate the game,' a revved up Jakes yelled over cheers."
I wish you would sit there and look funny! I wish you would act like
you always choose the right door! I wish you would get quiet.
I dare you to get quiet on me! I'll start prophesying and tell all
your business! You got 12 doors in front of you now! You
better say something before I go off! I will go off! I will go
off!...I wish you would jump on me! I'll fight everything in here!"
God! I'm preaching, I think I'll get my own tape this morning."
don't hear what I'm preaching. I'm preaching so good I'm about to
'Amen' myself! Oh!...Oh God! I'm preaching good!
tape is so good I'm going to buy this one myself!"
dear! I'm going to buy this tape myself. Give me two tapes!
Hold two tapes in the back." Note:
Pride is one sign of many that a false teacher possesses (1 Timothy 6:4;
Jude 8-19; 2 Peter 2:10-18).
entitled to have wellness in your body. Stop begging for what you're
entitled to."
believe that it is God’s will to heal and deliver His people today as He
did in the days of the first Apostles. It is by the stripes of
Jesus that we are healed, delivered and made whole. We have authority
over sickness, disease, demons, curses, and every circumstance in life."
(T. D. Jakes Doctrinal Statement, website.)
Note: He wears glasses yet believes that we shouldn't be sick. Why
are his eyes sick?
“The myth of the poor Jesus needs to be destroyed, because it’s holding people back.” (Kaylois Henry, “Bishop Jakes Is Ready. Are You?,” The Dallas Observer magazine, June 20-26, 1996, pg. 31. PFO Quarterly Journal Article) “Jakes, who drives a Mercedes, has moved with his wife and their five children to a luxurious seven-bedroom home with swimming pool in the White Rock Lake area of Dallas. He said the home cost more than $1 million. ‘I do think we need some Christians who are in first class as well as coach,’ Jakes said.” (The Fort Worth Star Telegram reports. PFO Quarterly Journal Article)
lives with wife Serita and their five children in a Dallas mansion,
complete with an indoor swimming pool and bowling alley...And
while some accuse Jakes of being driven by the dollar and not the divine -
his transportation stable consists of a
Mercedes-Benz, a Bentley, a BMW,
a Lexus and a jet...Indeed,
during MegaFest's kickoff, Jakes mentioned his sponsors more than he
mentioned God.
During the worship service, dozens of Potter's House ushers sprinted
throughout the Georgia Dome, collecting purple duffel bags full of money
and checks made out to T.D. Jakes Enterprises...The pastor says his income
comes from his media enterprises, not from church tithes.
And he dismisses such questions
as having racist overtones."
"The Jakeses and their five children live in a
9,689-square-foot mansion on White Rock Lake, appraised at more than $3.3
million. He loves to shop and wears exquisitely tailored suits and
expensive shoes. He owns a jet. "Anybody
who has sold 8 million books shouldn't have to justify why they live in a
nice house,"
Bishop Jakes said."
Note: That may be true for an unbeliever, but what about
for a man of the cloth living in a multi-million dollar house? Dr.
J. Vernon McGee has well said, "Whenever
you find a minister who is rich, watch out. Folk are not supposed to
get rich in the ministry,"
Commentary on 2 Corinthians 6:8-10, page 117.
I drive a: "Lexus and
Note: On the Bentley Motors website here is a sample of
prices for used
(Model year then price): 1) 2003--$185,000 2) 2005--$175,000
3) 2000--$159,000 4) 2002-- $279,000 5) 2004--$239,000.
think that Jesus is the product,”
says author and televangelist T.D. Jakes, who is currently bishop at The
Potters House, a primarily African-American Pentecostal church in Dallas.
the product is excellent, it doesn't require a big sales pitch.” Note:
Jesus is a product? Jesus is Lord of lords and Kings of kings--the
creator of all things. Jesus is not a 'product' nor should He be
compared to one.
teaches that receiving Christ as your personal Savior does not necessarily
make you a son of God, but if you choose to do so, the power (authority)
and right to do so is present. ... Just being saved does not make you a
son of God, ...only those who are willing to be led by the Spirit actually
realize and manifest the sonship of God.”
one and only prophetess Juanita Bynum will be with us tonight...We're
blessed because of you. We're blessed because of your ministry.
We're blessed because God has raised up that voice...We thank God for this
woman of God...Give God praise for prophetess Juanita Bynum...She
has Revelation Knowledge from the Lord."
He refers to immoral, lustful and sinful thinking as merely
boy thoughts.”
Jakes refers to an adulterous man as a “frightened
little boy”
and a wife beater as a “terrified
little boy.”
He states that, "because
the teachers in Jesus’ day listened to Him as a child it boosted His
self-esteem." Jakes
mentions that he purchased (for all the men in his organization)
subscriptions to the secular
to help them learn about manhood.
and riveting..."
Note: Paul Crouches new book on prophecy (The Shadow of the Apocalypse)
is filled with bible codes.
He is
scheduled to appear at Mega Fest 2004 with; Creflo Dollar, Juanita
Bynum, Joyce Meyer, Bishop Eddie Long, and Paula White.
Jakes played this clip of Creflo Dollar on his show on May 24, 2004.
He called Creflo one of "God's
Creflo teaches that Christians are gods. He also says that
Christians are not sinners and that Jesus did not come as God or perfect.
He also teaches that it is blasphemy if you don't believe that Christians
are gods. "You
get that covenant on your mind and everything you pray. You pray
with that covenant on your mind everything you give, you give with that
covenant on your mind. Everything you lay hands you lay hands with
the covenant on your mind, you look up to God and say, “ God you got to do
it, you can’t lie, you swore by yourself, it’s impossible for you to lie,
you said you got to do it. Now you got to do this thing.” And
this is how God responded to someone who knows their covenant; here is
Moses that got right before God’s face and God was getting ready to kill
all of Israel. Because you know he was trying to give them the law
and he comes back and they are partying and smoking refer, they building
some golden calf you know Rick James somewhere in the corner talking
about, “pass me the joint.”
They doing all that kind of stuff and God said, “Look here, here is what
I am going to do. I ‘m going to kill all of them,” and Moses got
in God’s face watch this and he said, “No you will not.” Now
how do you figure a man can get before God and tell God what he is not
going to do.
I will tell you how on the basis of the covenant, he said, “Your not
going to kill them because you have a covenant with Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob.” And the bible said that God repented or He changed his
Quit going before God like a bunch of
spiritual sissies and go before God with the covenant on your mind, quit
whining before God and go before God like you know your rights.
right, I am going to do something here that it’s going to start a
revival or a riot. I’m going to say something, now watch this you
will be able to identity a covenant person by how they act. [He
gets on one knee looking down] Watch this we are all to familiar with
this, I bow down on my bended knee, “Dear kind and heavenly Father I
know that I’m not worth nothing Lord. I know I’m just a filthy
rag. I know I ought to go to hell, but Lord if you could just stop
by a little while; everything is going to be all right. Ummm, Lord
I need you to stop by just a little while I know I ain’t no good, Jesus.
But if you could stop by everything will be all right. Please
Jesus Oh stop by. Please Ah Please! Please! Jesus, Oh
Lord, I Know I Don’t Deserve it Jesus, Please, Please. For Christ
sake we pray. Amen and thank God.”
That is a guy that doesn't understand his covenant.
This is a guy that’s got to beg God because he doesn't’ understand his
covenant. A covenant person will go before God like this [Standing
up looking up at God], “Father in the name of Jesus I am the
righteousness of God. I have a blood bought right to have healing
in my body; I have a blood right to have a sound mind. I have a blood
bought right. I have a blood bought right to get answers to my
prayers and when I am trouble. I have a blood bought right to come
before your throne and to ask you for help in a time of trouble.
Now according to John 16:33, you said whatever I pray in the name of
Jesus it shall be given onto me. You said in Mark 11:24 if I
believe I receive it, then I shall have it. Therefore, I pray it
and say in the name of Jesus and I believe that I receive it in Jesus
name, Amen and good night.”
Covenant! Covenant!
God has
not called you to be a bunch of wimpy men. He’s called you to be
covenant men. He’s called you to men of power. Men of the
anointing, He’s called you to be wealthy men."
(Creflo Dollar, Man Power 2003, "Ready For Multiplication," T. D. Jakes Show, May 24, 2004)
Creflo Dollar mocks people that humbly bow their head in reverence and
mourn over their sins in view of God's absolute holiness. Jesus
himself commends people that mourn over their sins in their prayers (See
Luke 18:9-14). Here are some examples in Scripture that show men
of God bowing their head and mourning over their sins and great men of
God like Isaiah and Paul mourning over their sinfulness:
"And at the evening sacrifice I arose up from my heaviness; and having
rent my garment and my mantle,
I fell upon my knees, and
spread out my hands unto the LORD my God,
And said, O my God, I am
ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God: for our iniquities
are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up unto the
Ezra 9:5-6.
"Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the
other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself,
God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust,
adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I
give tithes of all that I possess.
And the publican, standing afar
off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon
his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you,
this man went down to his house justified rather than the other:
for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that
humbleth himself shall be exalted," Luke 18:9-14.
"I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear:
but now mine eye
seeth thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes,"
Job 42:5-6.
"For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing:
for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I
find not.
For the good that I would I do
not: but the evil which I would not, that I do...O wretched man that I
am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?"
7:18-19, 24.
said I, Woe is me! For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean
lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips:
for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts," Isaiah 6:5.
"Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my
footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the
place of my rest?
For all those things hath mine
hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this
man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and
trembleth at my word,"
Isaiah 66:1-2.
"I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. But he that
cometh after me is mightier than I,
whose shoes I am not worthy to
he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire," Matthew 3:11.
"The centurion answered and said, Lord,
I am not worthy that thou
shouldest come under my roof:
but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed...When
Jesus heard it, he marveled, and said to them that followed, Verily I
say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel,"
Mathew 8:8, 10.
"The T. D. Jakes of the next generation could be sitting somewhere back in the back writing notes to somebody across the hall. The next Rod Parsley. The next Creflo Dollar could have been high last night...'How could that be possible? Great men of God like you--they grow up just walking on clouds.'" (T. D. Jakes, "Don't Get lost In The House," From the series "Home Remedies" TV1 Direct T.V. Channel 241. May 1, 2005)
Young Jr., pastor of Fellowship Church in Grapevine, called Bishop Jakes
one of the best communicators he's ever heard. "I have a
collection of Bishop Jakes videos in my library," said Young, whose
church has a weekend attendance of 19,000. "When I'm feeling down
and blasé, watching him inspires me."
(T. D. Jakes, Fort Wayne.Com, "Preacher extends his reach with film, but some fault posh lifestyle")
What a sad day it is when our shepherds that are supposed to guard the
flock are promoting a man that denies the Trinity.
holiness, John Paul II was truly a dedicated and courageous messenger of
God. His legacy will be a model that all of us should follow.
His Holiness was not only a leader of the church, but also a leader of
the world. His life was an example everyone can learn from. His
mission to spread the Good News of faith throughout the world, and his
dedication to human rights was an inspiration."
(T. D. Jakes, "Bishop T. D. Jakes Statement on The Passing of Pope John Paul II") Used with Permission from www.myfortress.org Blessings, Rev. Wise. What are your thoughts on this article? |