In various other articles, I have given my rationale why the coming of Jesus in glory will not occur during this decade but now I will explain why I think that it is almost certain that Jesus will return before 2050 AD.
Let me first say that Paul said the true Church would know the general season of the Lord’s return. He said, that we are not in darkness that this day should come upon us like a thief (1 Th 5:4). We are told to watch for the Lord’s return and we are also told to fellowship with other Christians even more as we see that day approaching (Heb 10:25). That statement would make no sense if we could not observe that day approaching.
The day Paul and the Hebrew writer was talking about, for us to watch for, is the Day of the Lord. That does not mean that those in the body of Christ will actually be here on earth to see the Day of the Lord. The actual second coming of Jesus in Glory is not until after the tribulation of those days during the Day of the Lord. Those in the body of Christ will not partake in the tribulation because we are not appointed to experience God’s wrath (1 Th 5:9).
If I am correct that Jesus comes in Glory before 2050 AD, the Rapture of the Church is some years sooner than that. Just how much sooner Jesus comes for His Church before He comes in Glory to establish His kingdom on earth is debatable, and is not the focus of this article.
I believe that there are some observable reasons that indicate that the Lord will return before 2050 AD:
One sign is that Israel is a state in the Middle East. This had to occur so the end time prophecies about Israel could be fulfilled. Israel still has 7 more years to fulfill and finish the 490 years of transgression determined upon her before she will accept her Messiah. Only then, will the kingdom of righteousness be established (long story).
Correct exegesis of Daniel chapter nine tells us that the last seven years starts when the Antichrist confirms a seven-year covenant that involves Israel and many others. From the understanding of other scriptures on these end time events, this covenant appears to be a brokered peace treaty. According to 1 Th 5 :3, at a time when “THEY (those that did not go in the Rapture) are saying peace and safety (most likely due to this brokered peace) the Day of the Lord will suddenly come upon “THEM” like birth pains.
Today the tiny nation of Israel is hated by well over half the world and Israel is hated by all the nations that surround her. This makes the fulfillment of end time Bible prophecy possible for the first time since Israel ceased being a state and the Temple was destroyed (70 AD). With the hatred against Israel in the world today, can anyone see Israel existing as a state past 2050 AD without some divine intervention from God?
When speaking about the time of the Day of the Lord, God said that Jerusalem would be a burdensome stone for the nations of the world, and all that come against Jerusalem and Judah would be cut to pieces (Zec 12 1-9). This prophecy is only possible in our time. The prophecy could not be fulfilled if the Arabs, the Islamic nations, or anyone else removed Israel from being a nation again.
Israel once again being a nation-state in her covenant land is the top reason we can know the end is very near. However, that is not the only reason why we can know the Day of the Lord is near.
With declining birth rates all over the world, the population on earth of people who have already reached the age of knowing good from evil (about age 20) will peak before 2050. Any farmer knows the reaping comes when the crop peaks. In the parable of wheat and the tares in Matthew chapter 13, Jesus gives us details about a future harvest of people on earth by the angels. This scripture indicates that the tares (satanic people) are gathered and burned up in the tribulation fires and the wheat (God’s people) are put in God’s barn.
Psalm 90:10 says that our lifespan will average 70 to 80 years in times prior to the Lord’s return. With man’s achievements in medicine, genetics, and science, man by 2050 would most likely have a longer lifespan than the Psalm states. Consequently, if God be true, we are now very near the end of the age or the Psalm would read differently. One nation already has a lifespan that averages over 79 years and scientists are working on many issues that will allow man to live even longer lives in the near future.
There are well-funded foundations working on ways to combine humans and machines. They call it achieving singularity. Some are saying that they will achieve singularity by 2030. They certainly expect to reach singularity before 2050. With man’s knowledge doubling every year, the idea of their being “transhumans” (part man, part machine) becomes likely if the world continues as is. There is a lot to be said about this whole concept, but the point here is they expect to vastly increase lifespans soon.
Other scientists are trying to improve man’s DNA. They would change humans so that they are no longer fully human beings. The intent is to improve upon man’s DNA by using DNA from animals or artificially grown new DNA sequences. Again, this research is man’s attempt to improve their capabilities and lifespans.
It is not just about the thought of Psalm 90:10 being in error that leads me to believe these long lifespans will not be achieved during this evil age. God cannot allow man to play Creator without the required divine knowledge. The outcome of these experiments will be mistakes, freak mutations, the killing of human like life forms, and new deadly diseases just for starts. What happened before the flood would happen again and the outcome this time will be destruction of ungodly men by fire (2 Pe 3:7).
The age must end soon or humans will not be as God designed much longer. A new artificially evolved being is not that far in the future. Such beings might be seen as supermen but these designer beings would still remain trapped in their fallen sin nature. I could be wrong, but that is what I conjecture taking the Mark of the Beast promises people.
Angels confused the languages at Babel to slow down man’s ability to act in one accord and use their combined knowledge in their rebellion against God. However, man has now used computer technology to defeat what the angels did. There already is a phone application where you can speak in your native language and foreigners will hear what you said in their own language. Thanks to computers, man’s knowledge is now doubling every year but fallen man lacks wisdom and uses this acquired knowledge for evil.
Some time in the next two decades, there certainly will be a worldwide buy-sell system in place that will make the buy-sell system of the Antichrist and his false prophet possible. The devices are already invented, all that is really needed now is a communication system that can reach everyone on earth. Entrepreneurs are working on it. There is a project being funded that will put up 66 low orbit communication satellites that will be able to relay communication data to and from every point on the earth.
The last I heard, the launch date for getting these 66 birds up is just a few years down the road. I don’t think it will put the other communications systems out of business, but I bet by the end of this decade, this new satellite system will have the capability to fill in the remaining coverage gaps.
The book of Revelation tells us about an army of 200 million men that will come from east of the Euphrates River and that they will kill one-third of the men on earth. That was never possible and still is not possible. That is about to change. Revelation tells us that this 200 million man army would be prepared for a hour, a day, a month and a year for this purpose. We can see now that this army of 200 million will be available from just the surplus men in the East by around the year 2035.
There will be a huge surplus of men because of abortion, infanticide, one child policy, birth control and the desire for couples to have a male child rather than a female. Sometime before we reach the year 2050, the falling birth rate and the aging of the populations of these eastern nations will no longer make the fielding of a 200 million army of able bodied men possible. That most likely means this army will push east sometime between 2030 and 2040.
Some people think this is an army of demons, but that view is mainly held because such a huge human army seems impossible. However, they miss the obvious point. Demons can do nothing physical on earth unless they possess real physical bodies, they certainly cannot kill a third of the men of the world with the weapons of war that are described.
I think it is obvious that Russia, China, the Muslim block of nations, and other demonically controlled oppressive nations are building up their military for some future perceived war with the West. The Bible talks about great wars taking place in the end times. Obviously, kingdoms have to arm themselves before kingdoms can be warring against kingdoms as Jesus indicated.
The astute see that humans have not spiritually progressed at all since the two prior world wars of the 20th century. Another world war is inevitable early in this century and it will be so destructive that people of the world will want world government, world religion. and a world leader to prevent any more world wars.
If we believe in the biblical week, where the last day is the Sabbath reign of Jesus for 1000 years, we are running out of time by any stretch of the ancient calendar. If that theory proves to be true, I would think that Jesus started the fifth day when he announced the acceptable year of the Lord when He began His ministry (Lu 4:19). Therefore, if we are talking about two days of 1000 years each and then the start of the seventh day, I can’t see it occurring much beyond 2030 AD.
Homosexuality, and sexual promiscuity is becoming accepted and promoted over much of the western world and marriage is being destroyed. Pedophilia, polygamy and abuse of women is commonly accepted in the Islamic world. Fascism, warlords and pagan polytheism rules much of the eastern world. Good is being called evil and evil is now acceptable to much of the world. True Christians are being increasingly persecuted all over the world. It cannot go on much longer. Sodom and Gomorrah got judged for less.
Paul said there would be a great falling away from the faith just before the end. Peter, James and Jude pretty much indicate the same. Today, millions that once identified with Christianity have now rejected the doctrines that it is founded on. All popular church movements today seem to be moving toward the Harlot of Revelation 17. The churches of the West now lose the majority of their youth by the time they become adults. Children are being indoctrinated to reject Christian truths in our educational systems and by media. Most of the upcoming generation have been programmed to reject biblical truth and Jesus.
When these brainwashed children become adults, do you think they will support the morals and doctrine of true Christianity? We already see a lost generation in America who are the offspring of the 60’s communistic counterculture movement. Can you imagine what it will be like when their own offspring take over? The godless generation will be the appropriate name, and many of them are already old enough to be running the show. Can you even conceive where 20 more years of this downward spiral will take the world? I can’t see beyond that 20 years because it is not even likely to continue that long before it leads to worldwide judgment.
Jesus asked if there would be faith on the earth when He returned. The answer for most calling themselves Christians is no. Just about every major Christian movement today either twists scriptures to fit their own agenda or rejects the scriptures that refutes their worldly or inclusive agenda.
If you correlate what the prophets said, to what is happening in our world today, there are many reasons to believe that Jesus will return before 2050 AD. If your interested, I made a more detailed effort to do that in my World Current Events and Bible Prophecy series

Don Koenig founded website in 1999 after almost thirty years of
independent study on the Bible and learning from many astute teachers within Christendom. Don created his website to write about Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and his Christian worldviews. Don wrote a free Revelation commentary ebook in 2004 named "The Revelation of Jesus Christ Through The Ages". The World and Church and Bible Prophecy section of this website was started in 2007.