According to a recent Quartz article, America's population of self-described witches, Wiccans, and pagans now outnumbers its population of Presbyterian Christians in the PCUSA. The rise in concrete numbers no doubt correlates with the continual normalization of paganism, witchcraft, and spiritualism in mainstream culture and the affinity young people have long had for "witch aesthetic." "From 1990 to 2008, Trinity College in Connecticut ran three large, detailed religion surveys," Quartz reported. "Those have shown that Wicca grew tremendously over this period. From an estimated 8,000 Wiccans in 1990, they found there were about 340,000 practitioners in 2008. They also estimated there were around 340,000 Pagans in 2008." In the current decade, the Pew Research Center pinned down a startlingly high number with a 2014 study which discovered that approximately 1 to 1.5 million Americans (roughly .4% of the population) identify as Wiccan or Pagan, and their numbers continue to climb. "As mainline Protestantism continues its devolution, the U.S. witch population is rising astronomically," Radio host and author Carmen LaBerge noted on Twitter. "There may now be more Americans who identify as practicing witches, 1.5 mil, than there are members of mainline Presbyterianism (PCUSA) 1.4 mil." "It makes sense that witchcraft and the occult would rise as society becomes increasingly postmodern. The rejection of Christianity has left a void that people, as inherently spiritual beings, will seek to fill," said author Julie Roys, formerly of Moody Radio, according to The Christian Post. "Plus, Wicca has effectively repackaged witchcraft for millennial consumption. No longer is witchcraft and paganism satanic and demonic," Roys said, "it's a 'pre-Christian tradition' that promotes 'free thought' and 'understanding of earth and nature.'" As American generations continue their downward trend of illiteracy, if not outright rejection, of the Bible, they become all the more susceptible to spiritual deception. "It's tragic," Roys concluded, "and a reminder of how badly we need spiritual revival in this country, and also that 'our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of this dark world.'"
Forgotten Word Ministries ...
is a non-denominational Christ based ministry which is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire world and to exposing the error in the teachings of many of the false teachers who have invaded our churches. Founded by Reverend Robert Wise under the calling from God and after many years of studying the different denominations and preachers who have gotten away from the true Word of God and have allowed man's selfish wants and wishes to dominate their organizations and local churches. It is our belief that the Bible is not being preached in today's pulpits. Preachers have turned from the true Word of God and have made a concerted effort to turn our churches and pulpits into a self centered based belief system. Churches have become mini country clubs without golf courses. Pleasing the pew sitters is what is being preached instead of pleasing the Lord. Our goal is to be an avenue to share the Gospel with anyone who wishes to hear it like it was intended to be told. Forgotten Word Ministries website has materials that are designed to help you to understand the Word of God, identify false teachings which are designed to help you along your Christian walk.
Message from the Founder About the Founder
Concerns: This website will divide it's attention between Proper Bible teachings and pointing out the false prophets and the false preachers that have risen in great numbers in the church these last 35 or so years.
False preachers are leading thousands if not millions of people in the wrong direction and causing them to follow a Jesus that is not the Jesus of the Bible. False preachers are getting rich off of the flock and that is certainly something that needs to be attended to.
There is a section of who these false preachers are and sad to say, the list continues to grow. As heartbreaking as it is to me and you, imagine how heartbreaking it is for the Lord.
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