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We would ask you to pray about each article, video or audio we present here.  If the presentation is about a Preacher or Ministry which we feel is preaching or teaching false doctrine or false teachings, we would ask you to be in prayer that the Lord would touch their hearts and minds so that they might see the error in their ways and turn to the Holy God who is Lord over and of our lives.  We mean no ill will to anyone or any ministry but we must, according to Scripture, warn the people when we see the enemy at work regardless of the nature and of the consequences if it is contrary to God's Word.

The Old Serpent and the Slacker--by Marsha West

This Spiritual Warfare allegory tackles the Apostle Paul's Armor of God analogy found in Eph. 6:10-19.  Marsha West's short story gives readers a visual picture of what Paul meant when he said, "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."  

Angels and demons play a role in Marsha's story.  No one knows what really goes on in the spiritual world, however we d know from the Bible that angels and demons fight to win the hearts and minds of mankind. In this story Marsha uses humor and wit to describe the angelic-demonic tug of war over the back slider Brady McCoy, a young man who recommitted his life to Christ.  Brady is determined to remain in God's will but before long distractions and diversions get in the way of his time in prayer and Bible reading. "If you remain in me," said Jesus, "my words will remain in you."  

In a world that pulls us in 10 different directions at once, remaining in Christ isn't always the first thing on a Christian's mind.  And for many Christians it's the last thing on their mind!  

So, how does a true believer remain in Christ?  You'll discover the answer in
 The Old Serpent and the Slacker. click the link for the story.

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Billy Sunday"Take 15 minutes each day to listen to God talking to you; take
minutes each day to talk to God; take 15 minutes each day to talk to others about God." - Billy Sunday
Before he read a letter, looked at a paper or even read a telegram, he went first to the Bible, that the first impression of the day might be what he got directly from God. Maybe that would be a good thing for us to do also?
Billy Sunday Sayings / Quotes

Pocket Testament League
Pocket Testament League

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon, known widely as the "Prince of Preachers" has given the world many good and lasting sermons, quotes and information to help in your walk with the Lord, especially concerning helping to win souls for Christ.  Though you may not agree with everything Spurgeon said, he has left us with much to be thankful for. Click on the picture to enter..... Spurgeon.org

Then & Now
A preacher in those days, when he felt God called him to preach, didn't hunt up a college or seminary, he hunted up a good horse, took off across the country and began crying "Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world"!   Today they look for the best paying job with the best retirement package.


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